#3. Share a Mystical Experience

When I was around 8 or 10 years of age, I had a dog named Pal. I was riding my bike on the road and Pal was running beside me. I accidently swerved and hit Pal, causing him some pain. I was devastated and went into a large farm implement shed to grieve. I was feeling deeply sorry for my mistake, when out of nowhere, I was engulfed with God's Presence. It was not like a person beside me, but a 'presence' that filled the entire shed. The divine presence brought comfort to me and I then returned to my Pal. From that moment, I knew God to be much more than "a man in the sky".
Tell me of your mystical or spiritual experience!
Who is this person with such a long answere????
Well, there is no such thing as Santa Claus, sooooo, I believe that Good Friday never exsisted, let alone the resurrection. I too read the bible Cappy. Your brilliant! I'd like to meet you! Anyhoo,,,, have a good day!
Yeah, I too had a Mystical Experience with God, it was awesome! we went golfing played 18 holes, God brought his own caddy, I believe his name was Satan, he did quite well I might add. needless to say God played a better game of golf than I.So now we know what God does in his spare time!
Rather you know it or not... you are my Mystical Friend. You are the most beautiful and mysterious emotion that I ever experience in my life.The mystical experience I have with you is a feeling of wholeness, a feeling that I cannot adequately describe of the magnificense of this experience.You came into my life when my life was hopeless.You brought such joy,& happiness, when I lost all hope, you gave me courage to stand strong,when I cried you were there to comfort me,when I became afraid, you asshured me nothing would harm me,you showed me that life is worth living, you showed me love and to have patients,you thought me that God loves me unconditionally
Because of you I now can live again in peace and harmony. You were there when I needed you most. And you still are. Yes there is a God, and he brought you to me. And you are my mystical friend, and I AM INSPIRED BY YOUR MYSTICAL WAYS. YOU ARE THE HEAVENLY BEING. And I APPRECIATE YOU.
This is my Mystical Experience: Snuffy
Boy, I wished I was blessed as Snuffy is! Sounds like one hell of a friend. When this person (male, female)shared this mystical experience it touched my heart, I hope their Love and friendship last forever. IT sounds as if God brought them togeher for a reason.
Your both blessed.I will remain annonymous till I decide what to do with my blog. This is an awesome site, I will remain a friend of Unity. Good luck Snuffy, YOUR LOVED!
And who said theres no God? With this Mystical Experience you had Snuffy as you talked about it, I have to say I admire the fact that you were granted such a gift from God. IT is a gift, and you are blessed to have such an experience. I never had a MYSTICAL EXPERIENCE, and if I ever do I hope IM as fortunate to have a friend (ANGEL) sent to me as you were, Child, IT'S A GIFT FROM GOD, hang on to this gift and appreciate this person whom ever this person may be (man or woman) you are truelly loved.There is no other.
Hi Cappy,
In the comment you are referring to, I stated that I enjoyed reading your article, which I found at the following website:
If you state where you found it (as I just did), others can go to the site and explore it if they want.
I look forward to future comments from you (as well as your secret identity).
Hey, I need a little help out there. I know this is a blog site, however, I had gotten into the Unity Chat Room and got to converseing with 2 people. One was Cappy, the other I can't really remember she called herself somthing pokey, I wished I could remember it. I know she looks at this site and that she is in the chat room, but for some reason, I have not seen her and she is not registered on this blog site. I also think she said her name is Carol I'M not too sure. We had a nice coorespondence going back and forth and she really helped me through this rough ordeal I was going through. I need to contact her once more. Does anyone know who she is? I lost her email address along with her name. I would really like to talk to her. She really helped me out a lot.Sadie She is so spiritual. Thank You, Sadie
Hi Sadie,
This is Cappy, come to think of it, I haven't seen her in the chat room for the last three days. How do you rate getting her email address/ I never got it offered to me! Just kidding. If I see her in the chat room I will tell her to contac you. Why don't you ask the Reverend? He should know, besides they are friends, she knows him so maybe he can help you if you do not see her in the chat room. He's cool! Go ahead and get in touch with him at his email address, its listed in his blog info. Cappy
Hey Rev, I can't log on the blog site, it wont except my user name. Even on the comments. I had to sigh as Anonymous. Cappy
Hey Anonymous, We use our think pads on a daily bases. And I might add we use it quite constructively.So, asked yourself this question, What can I do to be more constructive today than ridiculeing other people? Got it?!!!! Have a Blessed Day. Anonymous2
Hey Anonymous, here is something for your think pad.IT sure say's a lot.And it is beautifuly written I might add.!
When you feel unloved, unworthy and unclean.
When yo think that no one can heal you. Rmember Friend, God Can
When you think that you are unforgivable from your guilt and your shame, Remember Friend, God Can
When you think that all is hidden and no one can see with in,
Remember God Can
And when you think that no one can love the real person deep inside you,
Remember My Dear Friend, God Does
(And so it is) Anonymous2
I can tell how loving you are even as a child, I can feel the love you had for your dog. Tell me something, why did you name your dog Pal? What an unusual name. Can you remember? I bet you can!
You are so kind. I really do not remember where the name came from. I suppose he was my pal, so that became his name. Makes sense, huh?
I have never had one of those lightening bolt from the sky experinces. It might be bettter to get it over in one swoop! But I do feel that as I learn what forgiveness really means, learn to truly love, and learn to see the good in everything/one, little by little my vision becomes clearer, my heart a little softer, and I more at peace.
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