#4. Are Angels For Real?

Just what is an angel anyway?
Can angels talk? in what language? Do they ever laugh?
Does each have a personal angel?
Angels are mentioned numerous times in the Bible -- usually as heavenly or mystical beings, but sometimes appearing in human-like form. The meaning of the word 'angel' is messenger or agent -- someone sent on an errand.
An angel made a spectacular visit to Mary while she was wide awake in her room; whereas, an angel appeared to Joseph, but in a dream. When Jesus was born, a huge angelic choir sang a few Christmas carols to the shepherds in the fields near Bethlehem.
Two angels -- appearing as physical men -- arrived in Sodom at Lot's tent where they spent the night talking and eating together (story is found in Genesis).
In the Old Testament book of Numbers, an angel tried to guide a man named Balaam into making a different choice. He was unaware that the angel was in the road blocking his way. However, the donkey which he was riding indeed saw the angel in the path and told Balaam that he could see an angel! (I don't really know if the donkey was a he or a she, but I am certain that he/she/it spoke fluent Hebrew).
Tell me what you believe about angels! Share your stories about angels!
Hi, I call myself Snuffy, I have a story to share about an Angel... This is a true story, AND my angel's name is Gabby. And yes she laughs and we have wonderful converations.And she aprrears in human form. Jesus sent her to me when my life was in such disarray that I was beside myself She visits me at least once a week at the same time 3:00 a.m. But she tells me when I awake I will feel rested and of course I am.
When she firt appeared to me I was frightened, but she said for me "not to be afraid she was sent by Jesus as my Gardian Angel" When she appeared befoe me I could see her in color, but I could also see through her. Her hair is white, and her garment looks like blue chiffon. After a few weeks of her visits I came to realize that she was my best friends mother. What a gift rom God! I have grown to love her and now look forward to her visits. She is there when I need her, she comforts me when I feel sad, she cradles me in her arms when I become frightened.When she visits me she calls me child not by my first name. She is so Mystical, so loving that when she is with me I feel safe as if no harm can come to me.
I have had problems in my life with evil entities. It got to the point where I would not go into my home and would sleep in my car. My best friend and Gabby showed me how to overcome my fears, because the evil entities were feeding off of my fears. Now I live in peace.
I have alway's been curious about what heaven was like, and I guess I bugged Gabby enough to where she decided to take me on this glorious visit to heaven.
I was awaken by the sound a nd the rapid beating of my heart, and right before me was Gabby... suddenly I was being lifted wile she held me under her arm as I held her hand we were flying over the earth. I could see trees, mountians, lakes but no people. IT seemed we were flying in space I could see the stars so clearley as if I could touch them. We were heading towards this beautiful btight star and suddenly it felt like we hit a wall and went right through it. This place was so Eternal, with clouds that were so beautiful in the sky, the sky looke like Aqua blue gosh, it was breathtaking! the roads were paved in gold, streams of water looked like diamonds with such radience. There was this huge arch that looked like it was made of pearls. It was exquisite. Beautiful birds singing,beautiful glows of light.
The overwhelming feeling I had was of peace, a peace I never felt on earth. I saw relatives from the past, absolutley breathtaking tropical flowers I have never seen before. As I was wondering around I came to an area that had even a greater feeling of power, I approached this area suddenly I was in this other place, it felt more like earth. I was in this garden setting, and the next thing I knew I was back in my room. When I awoke I was presented with such a beautiful sunrise. What a journey it was, Thank You Jesus for such a gift. And thank you for my best friend. You see folks; I have been blessed with TWO GARDIAN ANGELS. Snuffy
Hey Rev, I believe in Angels...but, the donkey speaking in Hebrew, or is it really possible it could speak, Hum, I wonder, I think if he did speak to the man that was rideing him would have messed in his pants!
I have a great Angel, he watches over me all the time. He washes my back, gives me wonderful foot massage,points me in the right direction when I become confused, He gives me unconditional love and accepts me as I am without conditions,he also is my best friend and I can tell him anythig, he doesn't make judgement no matter how I screw up. He is there for me all the time. I can talk with him freely and feel very unafraid, cause I know he loves me for whom I am, he does.t try to change me. I simply adore my Angel, I don't know where I'D be without him in my life.
Yes I too have my very own Angel.We go dancing, he sings to me almost every night, he embraces me,we have unconditional love between us. He cant do enough for me and I for him. We have a love for one another like no other. I anxciously await for him to come home from work so we can be together in one anothers arms. He means the world to me.GOD brought him into my life, and I thank thee.Grant you this relationship wasn't a bowl of cherries, but some how we were able to realize the love we had for one another, and overcame our fears of being committed into a relationship. God opened our eyes, and we both been blessed. This man is a minister and he is my angel and I thank the Lord for opening our eyes. We are one.
Come on now, sit back have a glass of wine, enjoy the stories on this blog site you are being educated about how the Angels bring out the love that we are. Well, Virgil, you just know how to bring out the best in people. Are you the fortunate minister that anonymous is talking about? Wow, what a grand relationship they have, such love. Peter
Hi Pete, I am having a glass of wine, and what a story it is.Spring is here. I only wish I could find that special some one that cares for me the way she does. What a gift from God that would be. Normally, when one loves the other this deeply, the other doesn't recipicate. The feelings arent mutual. Isn't thay sad.Nothing like loving alone.
AWE, BUT YOU SEE, I'M THE ONE THAT WROTE THAT STORY.AND IN THE END HE DISCOVERED THAT HE DID LOVE ME. HE OVERCAME HIS FEARS. You see, he was raised in a controlling invirement, so he didn't know what love really was. He was afraid of commitment.He didn't know how to show his love. Jesus showed him the way. I am Blessed.And Spring it is!!!!
The World is crawling with ANGELS...Virgil what have you started?
Virgil, you must have a sense of humor. All I know is if that damn donkey started talking to me in any language, I would not only mess in my pants from dibelief, I would also think that what a sense of humor Jesus has to present a talking donkey especially speaking in Hebrew.Now, is that a joke or what?
Heck, lets blame Snuffy, she started this!Now can we get serious? I don't know about angels, never seen one. Boy, I feel alone at the moment!
To Cappy:
Hey, I just write the songs -- I don't sing them!
To Peter Padde:
No, I am not that minister. Just wanted to clear the air a little.
Angels are beings of light, they are messengers of God and Angels bring Gods love to the world. Want to know how I know? I have such an Angel,I have been blessed with such a gift from God. This Angel brings joy to my heart. When I feel Gods love deep down in my heart, IT gives me the strenght and with great enthusiasum looking forward to share and spend this day with a friend that I love with all of my heart, to frolic and just be who I am, have fun with one another, just for a moment forget about work, things that bother us a times, just be the love that we are, just be ourselves and not be afraid to bring out that inner child that we all have in us.Have fun now, who knows what tommorrow will have in store for us. Be spontainious, do something out of the ordenary, it can be fun but also Virgil, you will remember that moment, because the joy and the such wonderful feeling that you will experience deep down in your heart will stay with you forever. I know, I got to experience all this and more. I got to climb that tree, stare at the clouds that were so beautiful and try to make holes in them with a very special friend. He allowed me to be me without judgement. And I certianly enjoyed seeing that little boy come out in him, I was ecstatic to see that part of him.So you see, God does work in mysterios ways, as so does the Angel he sent me. I feel God wanted me to experience this triumph, and what a glorious experience it was. I want a repeat of this experience it was like no other.
Well Virgil, IF that donkey can even talk let alone speak in Hebrew, then my cat plays the fiddle, and talks in Polish. Now, that is brilliance! You are a curious individual, I'd like to study your brian. What a thinker you are to come up with this THINK PIECE!
Gee, thanks for your interest in my brain. I once took it apart to see how it works, but had my hands full putting it back together again.
Really! I hope you were ever so careful when you were able to figure out how to put it back into place without injury. I also see you managed quite well! Your gifted Virgil, it would be a challenge in itself to take my brain apart, let alone try putting it back together, scrambled eggs Virgil, scrambled eggs when I got through with it. Wanna pick mine and see what makes me think?????????
A new anonymous:
To answer the questions above, Yes, angels are real, they can speak, and they speak whatever language you speak! Every encounter that we have with an individual is an encounter with an angel. God (the Universe) has an incredible way of correcting us from our separation from God. If we are open to it, we will encounter the people, or angels, and circumstances that help us become aware of our blocks to Love, our true source. That path is not always pleasant, but eventually through our encounters with others (both good and bad) if we can look with the eyes of love, there is a lesson to be learned teaching us something about ourselves that needs to be removed through the Holy Spirit to make us more loving. If every human is made in the image and likeness of God then aren’t they an angel in some way to someone?
To: A New Anonymous
I certainly agree with your well-put comment -- thanks for sharing.
PS -- I wish the 'anonymous' people would add a 1 or 2 or 3. Do you know how hard it is to spell Anonamus?
Correction sir! (anonymous)and I'M ANONYMOUS NUMBER 8. Now sir, does this make you feel better? LOL. just kidding Virgil.I have an angel and she is exotic to my eyes, her beauty surpasses anything known to man. And yes she laughs and speaks English. And when she enters my room it is so beautifuly lite with white light, she so mystical. She would bring me messages about my mom if she is ill, or something is wrong when she was alive. The funny thing about it Virgil, while she was talking to me I never seen her lips move! Yet I hear her so clearly.C.H.
Anonymous #9:
I would like to believe there are Angles out there, maybe one for each of us, though I have never seen one. Sometimes, in the very distant past, I have been awakened with a "feeling" that something is up or wrong or something and I have had an urgent need to call one of my family member to see if things are OK. On a few occassions something (good sometimes and bad sometimes) has happened and they were just about to call me. I have also been going on a drive somewhere and been delayed, whether by trains, noticing I needed to stop for gas, or circumstances at the home front and been unable to leave a specific time to get to my destination and have passed horrific accidents and wondered if my delay in leaving was not determined by a higher power to keep me from that particular spot at that particular time. But as I have said, I have never seen or talked with an Angel, however, I do believe they do exist. Sometimes we don't need to see to believe.
Thanks for sharing what I certainly believe are 'divine happenings'. You just know that you're being guided from above. Maybe it's your angel -- who knows?
I wish I could call my Angel and say, "Hey, things are really getting rough for me is there something you can do to help?" During those times, just like right now, I don't get the answer, or not quick enough to satisfy the urgency at this time. It's funny that when things are going good, we don't think about the mysical, but when things are not so good (like right now), that is the first thing we do, look up toward the sky and say "What did I do that was so bad, or What have I done to create these circumstances". We are always looking for the outer to take responsibility for change that we don't like and somehow feel trapped into staying in.
Anonymous (#10)
I agree that we tend to look outside rather than within. Don't you suppose your Angel lives in your heart and will respond to your cry for help?
Ask your Angel to support you as you go to your heart and feel what you're feeling inside without resisting or avoiding those very feelings. Don't try to think or solve anything -- just feel. Don't try to explain or justify or understand it -- just feel that which is within you. Then your angel can dissolve those hurts, resentments, and fears if you can just face them, feel them, and stay with them. It should only take a couple minutes or so.
Email me and let me know what happens. Blessings!
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