#8. Some Like It Hot - Hot - Hot !

So did you ever step over the boundaries of normal living? Have you ever challenged yourself to do something that is totally outside the box? How did it effect you? Was your life changed because of it? Do you regret it? Would you do it again? What did you discover about yourself? Share your most unusual, but transformative experience!
There is no way that is is going to be short..
The last eight years of my life have been a total firewalk or at least outside my box (comfort zone). Prior to that I was a stay-at-home mom who joyfully busied herself with raising her 4 children, church activities, and lazy summer days at the country club pool. To the outside world I had it all. However, inside things were not so rosy....a series of unpleasant events lead me to realized that my marriage was unhealthy. After much consideration and attempts at marriage counseling, I filed for divorce. No job in over 11 years, no credit, no identity of my own and 4 growing children to raise.
Thankfully I had my BA and I returned to teaching. However, that left me drained both financially and emotionally. So I non-renewed my contract, enrolled in graduate school with no job, recently divorced, and not a clue on how I would pay for my degree. Within one month of entering Grad school, one of my professors helped me get an entry-level position in the field I was studying. I stayed there three years. During those three years of working at a low-stress job I endured numerous legal battles with my ex-husband. Once life calmed down, but legal fees mounted, God then provided me with a new position that allowed me to survive financially. The new position at a small company provided all of the experience I needed to move on to a larger corporation. This past week I signed an offer for a job with a large corporation.
How is this outside of normal living? I was raised in a religious tradition that forbade divorce and taught that sacrifice and suffering is a way to "heaven." Had I stayed in that tradition, I would have stayed in a marriage that was slowly killing me. Had I not done something outside-of-the box, I would have never grown spiritually, gone to grad school, had a career that I could be proud of and I would have raised my children in a marriage that was anything but.
How did all of this transpire? It was not an easy journey! Through the grace of God I was led to the studies in the Course of Miracles which has been the biggest blessing in my life. I had to challenge myself to totally rethink my view of the world, leave the church I was raised in, and more importantly, learn to accept that God only wants joy, peace and love for us. I had to honestly look at my role in my life's dramas, forgive myself and to look beyond the crucifixion to the resurrection. It takes a lot of searching, but when we do what is of love, and leave God to take care of the rest, HE/She will! I also had to learn patience, in that everything does turn around when we set our sights on what is true and begin that firewalk knowing that God will see us through to the other side. Do I have regrets?....duhh!
I had never been skydiving and it looked like fun. At that time I was 17 years of age, 5'3 and a mear 95 lbs. After going through the three hour training session, we took off. When we reached about 10,000 feet, my deceased husband was the jump leader, opened the door of the aircraft, and in no time, out I jumped! It was so overwhelming. The air felt dense, and there so much to see in every direction. Gosh, what excitment, what beautiful views , I felt so close to heaven. (So close but yet so far)Oh, what God presented to only me...I will always remember. I was upset knowing I had to pull the ripcord and release the parachute. I wanted so much to see more of this most beautiful view.
But during my venture floating in the sky, I was not prepared for what was about to happen.Due to my size and weight I stopped descending. I was left dangling about 5,000 feet, I was caught in a jet stream. I just was glideing every which way in the sky which seemed endless. I guess I should have been frieghtened, but the sky was so breath taking, I just wanted to see more. There were birds flying past me and I was in awe of it all. My husband finally realized what was going on and I guess radioed for help to the air-sea rescue and help was on the way. There were a few planes that I could see flew over me and had boxes attached to parachutes. They were hopeing that the air current would bring them close to me. I got lucky and was able to catch three of them, they were a little heavey but I managed to clip them to my belt one at a time. (by the way the clips were attached to the boxes, and it took quite a while to do this) With this extra weight I was able to draw nearer to the ground and landed without a broken bones. What an adventure that was! Despite all of that, I enjoyed being a daredevil. Now thinking back on it... would I do it again...maybe not! I'M older and wiser and less adventurous.Savvy
Hi Savvy, IT sure took you long enough to respond to this think piece. Where were you hideing? And by the way, did you thank God for such a beautiful view, and for such an exciting adventure? Well Virgil, unfortunetly I have never done anything as daring, no guts,I live a quite life. I just do simple things, as a matter of fact, my life is boring, I need a little excitement in my life. Maybe I should meet up with Savvy! Talk about excitement! Whatcha think Savvy?
Yes, I too attended a firewalk some years ago. For me it was not good. I ended up in the middle of my walk on the coals became pannicky for what ever the reason, I don't remember. I ended up with burnt feet, talk about hurt! So Virgil, it wasn't as pleasant for me. I should not have done it! I would never ever attempt such a thing again. I guess I was not in my right frame of mind. And as I look back at all this, well, all I can say I had a screw loose some where in my head to think that I could actually do this sort of thing! It is not for everyone.
My experience was mountain climbing the Alpine Ascents on MT. Everest. Before I could do this I went through a week of training, we had to carry 30lb back packs, and they mentally and physically prepared us to deal with strenuous situations at high altitudes. It was the most remarkable trip of my life. The people we were with were so very knowledgeable and caresmatic and I might add patient. It was tireing at times cause of all the weight you had to carry, and the air was thin the higher up you went. But, it just so serene, and you felt oh so close to God, what a feeling that was, I could never put into words on what my heart felt. And when I sat for a moment I got to thinking about my life, I came to realize on how ungrateful I was about a lot of things. I now thank God every day for my life and all the beauty and richness and goodness that he has givin me. Would I do this ever again? you betcha! it was incredible. to think...I did the unthinkable.
Gosh, were does one start... I have a story that beats jumping out of a plane or climbing a mountain for excitement or an adventure. I have had an experience like no other! I went on this journey, and what I found has changed my life for the good. I am transformed.I am, I am love. I found God, I found Jesus, I found peace, and most of all.............
Hi There Everyone,
I was skimming the net and came across this blog site, actually through web site called Unity Chapel. I can't recall how I got here but here I am. So far I like what I have read. My responce is a little off the wall, but what the heck no-body's perfect!
Most of the time it is not the size of the mountain we've chosen that determines our desteny. It is our willingness to take the first step toward climbing it. I don't know what to say about the plane jumper.Personally, that takes guts!
As I read some of your comments and your think piece, I guess I haven't lived at all! To tell you the truth, I don't know nor have I done anything exciting in my life. Really, what have I been missing? I have no interest in walking on coals no matter how curious I became, and mountain climbing is to much like hard work. But maybe, just maybe, sky diving might be a thrill, I can't imagine how it would feel to float in the sky, I certainly wouldn't want to happen to me what happen to that woman, heaven forbid, I'D HAVE A CORONARY! But, I bet it's exillerating, oh lucky her.I can actually say that I admire her for being a risk taker. I sometimes wish I had the nerve to do that, (no back bone Reverend) I guess my life will remain unexciteable, no adventure, just boredom.
Hi, I have a dear friend that has introduced me to this site, she had told me how exciting this site is and that it brings a lot of enjoyment reading the think pieces and the comments. And of course she is right, I really am enjoying what I have read so far
Even though I never really done much in my life, that is until I met my friend years back, she brought so much joy and excitement into my life. She introduced me o car raceing (powder puff derby for women in Mt.Clemens Mich) Want to talk about excitement! Just raceing around the track at speeds over 100 mph was excilerating. She talked me into doing the figure 8. That is when you drive in a figure 8 and with great hope when you go from top of the figure 8 to the bottom of the 8 without getting hit.Well, let me tell you my friend was able to do that(she was wild behind the wheel and a dare devil) I got broad sided the second time around, but the excitement when you just missed being hit by seconds, the adrenalin! Mind you, you have to be a good driver. I was ok, but my friend was great. She drove most of the summer without any casualties, I wasn't so lucky, I smashed the dickens out of my car. SHE ENDED UP WITH A TROPHEY & A CASE OF PEPSI for her raceing. Thinking back on all this, I think I too was a little wild and adventurous, I don't beleave I'D do it again. As for my friend, well,I asked her the other day would she do this again? And I got the unexpected answere, "Hell No"! she said "she got over doing things that are challenging". I call her by her nic name we gave her, Sissy. She is my best friend and she comments on this site. We love you Sissy.
Hey there Rev,
Walking on hot coals? really? Not me, the only excitement I ever had was chaseing boys in high school.
Virgil, Have you ever felt like you were on the edge of something big? and your first inclination is to hold back, normally I am not one to jump off the cliff, unless I am fully tethered and properly trained for climbing. Now, however, there is something inside me that wants to shed all the restraining ropes and fly. And I believe in myself to be able to do this. Gosh, what a journey it shall be, I can feel the excitement, I can feel my heart beating wildley with anticipation. I have been there before and continually want to go back just for the most overpowering, overwhelming feeling one could ever experience. It is as if nothing and I mean nothing can touch me.I feel like my life is transformed from time to eternity. Would you care to join me in this journey? Anonymous # 3
Hey There Rev,
How come there are no responces from you on the comments?
Hi Cappy,
Each person has shared some of their personal thoughts and feelings, as well as some unique and daring experiences -- or the lack thereof. I enjoyed reading all the comments and appreciate each and every commentator, including you.
Well, Virgil, would you like to take this journey with me? You didn't respond to my question to you. I will be going on this journey this Sunday morning at around 6:00 A.M. Set your alarm and lets do this together and let me know what you dicovered. Just take a deep breath, relax, and put your thoughts towards the heavens, and just imagine how it would feel to fly up in those beautiful clouds, so close to God. And just breathe in the beauty, the love, now soar high in the sky, extend your arms, touch the heavens, touch the Angels, their flying right next to you, can you feel it? have you gotten there yet? What did you discover about yourself? Was it exciting? How did it effect you Virgil? Would you want to do it again? it is so euphoric. I hope you try and take this journey with me, I'LL know if your there. What a marvelous journey it shall be. Remember Virgil, please let me know of your experience and how it felt, and don't forget this Sunday 7-9-2006 @ 6:00 A.M.
Good Morning Anonymous #3
I hope you don't mind, I know I wasn't invited on this journey, but it sounded like it would be an exciting adventure so I decided to give it a try. WOW, WHAT BEAUTY, WHAT A FEELING! IT WAS LIKE NOTHING I HAVE EVER EXPERIENCED BEFORE. So serene, and I felt the presence of God, and I believe with all of my heart the angels were flying at my side. It was so joyfull, what jubilation. I felt as if I was in a dream state of mind. I don't know who you are, but I would like to thank you for this experience.I hope the Reverend took this journey with you, what an experience. I TOO FEEL LIKE I HAVE EEN TRANSFORMED, I FEEL SO CLOSE TO GOD. I also dicovered that with God anything is possible,and he made it possible for me to go on this journey. I would like to do this again, what ecstasy.
Well Virgil,
You were not there, how come? IT was so mystical in every way. I'M saddened. Anonymous # 3
Hey Rev,
Did you take that journey? I thought I'd try but I guess I didn't get it, so it never happened. IF you did Rev, and I believe you did, was it exciting? I wished I could learn to do it. Got any suggestions? Cappy
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