#9. Let Me Look Into Your Eyes

Did you ever imagine what it would be like to live as a pet -- or any animal, for that manner? Can you put yourself in the 'shoes' of an animal? Would life as an animal be boring or adventurous? Would it be pleasant? stressful? peaceful?
Does your pet try to communicate with you? Do you recognize the various sounds it makes? Share your wisest insights into the life of your pet.
If I could choose to be any animal, I would be a cocker-spaniel puppy and live the 'life of Riley'. What animal would you choose to be?
As I think back about my pet Maggie, she was magnificent. She was an OLD ENGISH MASTIFF. A gentle giant of 236 lbs. She had large hazel human like eyes, and yes when you looked into those beautiful eyes there was a presence behind them. I always felt when I looked in her eyes I was feeling the presence of my mother. She had ways about her and the things she did that in some way I felt as if my mother was there.OH YES, my Maggie was a thinker, she knew when I was sad and hurting deep inside my heart. She would rest her head on my lap and look at me with those eyes, and the love you could feel come from her, and when she would try and communicate with me, it was like she was saying to me..."Mom, don't feel so sad, I love you, and I am here for you". Yes I understood my pet and how she would try to communicate with me, I knew the differnt sounds. As far as imagining what it would be like living as a pet? I believe I wouldn't mind living as a pet, just think about it for a moment... Your bathed,food is provided to you, and those treats! OH, and don't forget the belly rub's (oh yeah)how I would long for a bellyrub! And to think of the adventures my Master would take me on, like to the dairy queen for a bowl of custard, (yummie) or a walk in the park so I could strutt my stuff in front of the males,and make new friends. oh yeah, what a life that would be being a pet of a loving family.Gosh, being pampered, lay on a soft bed, bellyrubs, treats,I would love them unconditionally.
And if I could choose to be any animal, I would choose to be a Hummingbird.I would be able to fly backwards and sideways, and hover in mid air. Can you ever imagine what it would be like to just go from one flower to the next drinking the sweet nector? Is there anyone who hasn't seen the sheer beauty of a hummingbird feeding at a spring flower? IF so, they have the most spectacular and enchanting displays of aerial aerobtics.
Do you have beautiful flowers in your garden?
IN ESSENCE...I would enjoy drinking the nector from your flowers! SAVVY
HEY THERE SAVVY, Do you want to be my pet? Bellie rubs! Wow! What an imagination! You sound exciting!
I have a Macall Parrot, and that is the only pet I have. It is a noisey bird, and when I look into her eyes all I can see is that they are dialating and she is getting ready to bite me. Her name is Polly and the only thinking that I believe she does is to how and when she should let out a loud screech to annoy me. For the most part I enjoy her. And what type of animal I'D choose to be would be a snake. They are long and elegant, they just hang out waiting for their meal to come by, and with one strike...dinner! And possibly Polly, if she keeps waking me up early in the morning!
I came upon your blog site and it is interesting on your subjects let alone the comments you receave.I have spent a few hours reading all of it. I sometimes wonder where some of these people are in their minds when they respond. IT is so amazing to me the minds of people in how they think. I myself would never have such an imagination,I wouldn't know where to start. So you see, I really wouldn.t have a responce to this think piece. I have no pets, never did, and it would be difficult to imagine what it would be like being an animal of some sort. Although, I might add, the woman that responded to this think piece, I beieve this is a woman, has one hell of an imagination! She makes it sound delicious! I bet she is delightful. I like the belly rub, and of course drinking the sweet nector! Hey, I have beautiful flowers in my garden Savvey, wanna come by for a drink?
I like this think piece, it is a nice change. I don't have a cat or a dog.The only pet I have is my husband, and when I look into his eyes I don't see any presence, just love for me. I can't even imagine wanting to be an animal.I have a dry imagination Reverend.Maybe an eagle would be ok. IT is majestic.I think it would be awesome to soar in the sky. So peaceful.
Hey there Rev,
IM north at my sisters and it looks like I wont be in town this weekend. I like this new think piece it's cool. I have no pets and when I gave some thought to your questions, I would like to be a parrot. They are loud and love attention,just like me.IT must take a lot of thinking to come up with these questions of your's Rev.I also see that your friend and mine is at it again with her comments, she's ok, she sure gets some of the attention. She has a great attitude like you. I have nothing more to add. Cappy
Reverend Brewer, what is a soul essence? And what is a presence that you talk about behind the eyes of a pet? I hate to sound like I know of nothing, but I'M baffeled about this. I like your blog site a lot, you sound so intelligent, and so far I like what I have read. But I just don't get some of it. Can you help me with an explanation of it all? oh, I also enjoy reading the comments. Molly
Hi Molly,
Thanks for asking. Another word for essence is nature. Some people believe that human beings have a soul or spiritual essence that lives on beyond our physical, human experience. What about your pet? I'm simply asking if you believe that an animal has a soul -- or a spiritual nature.
By the word 'presence', I mean spirit or life. Can you sense that when you look deeply within the eyes of your pet, there is someone "in there" -- that there is more to your pet than just a physical body. It has been said that the eyes are windows of the soul.
If this is not clear, please ask another question.
I have a Geoffroy Cat, he is rare, wild, and he is not your normal domesticated cat. My husband bought him for me on my birthday.His name is Oscilot and he is from South America. And when I look into his eyes I can sense that my grandmother is within him. I believe that Oscilot is a thinker, after all, in the wild he is alert at all times and most likely thinks of different ways to keep safe from other preditors, and besides, man is their worst enemy. These cats are hunted and killed, and also they are the size of a domesticated cat, so other large animals hunt them as well.
I could imagine living as an Geoffroy Cat, they are instinctive, very curious, very fast. They love to play, and I might add they love socks, and intelligent animals. And the beauty, I must tell you they are so beautiful. They are covered with small spots, and those eyes are gorgeous lemon yellow.I might add that he is a total klutz.
The animal I would choose to be would be my Cat Oscilot. He is sleek,handsome, and always on the go. Very loving, and a joyful personality.
And you Reverend... when you look into your pets eyes(assuming you have a pet) what do you see? Care to share that part of your life with us?
I bet that when you look into your pets eyes, you not only feel a presence, but you can see the love in your pets eyes that he/she has for you.Judgeing by how you express yourself, tells me you are a loving compassionate person with a great love for life.
You chose a cocker spaniel as a pet you'd like to be. Why did you choose this animal?
What I know of them is that they are bold, are you? they are cheerful, sweet and sensitive, are you? They are inseparable friend to their master, also merry and endearing, a happy tail wagger, are you? They are gentle and love everyone, do you? Although, Reverend, they can be difficult to housebreak, are you? So, care to share?
Yes, I have a cat, Snooper, who celebrated his 10th birthday in July. Apparently, you know my cat and me very well. Have you been snooping around my house lately?
GOOD MORNING REVEREND, I'M anonymous2 and my name is C'Anna. I am glad to hear that you have a cat. It was as I expected. However sir, I do not know you or your cat at all, and I haven't been snooping around your home. I don't have an inkling to where you live let alone who you are. I guess it was a mistake to ask you to share that part of your life, afterall, Reverend, we share our thoughts and secrets with you. Just thought I'D add a little humor to the questions to you. My mistake....
OOPS! C'Anna, how can something start out to be humorous by both parties...end up with this sarcasim? I wonder. Your ok in my book Reverend, that was being humorous on your part. They just don't understand, do they? Snooper eh? did you name the cat? I take it it is a male? And is he a snoop? I have 4 cats, Bunny,Happy, dopey, and poopey. My son at the age of 5 named the last cat. When I look into all of my cats eyes, I'M sorry to say I do not see or feel a presence. All of my cats are very curious and sneeky. I have no desire to be an animal of any kind. If I could be anything I'd like to be an Angle of God. No rym no reason, just an Angle. Just think, being Gods helper. Thats for me Reverend. Anonymous3
Thanks for your comments. I've been quite busy but hope you get my belated response. My previous comment was intended to be humorous. I was saying yes to your questions without getting specific. Yes, Snooper is affectionate and loving, but he is a male and chooses his own timing for expressing himself. I had chosen to be a cocker-spaniel because I previously had a cocker-terrier mix for 15 years and enjoyed her company very much. She looked like a red fox!
I am bold if necessary, cheerful and merry most of the time, sweet and endearing ALWAYS (LOL), gentle (I think) and sensitive as well. Yes, I intend to love all people. As for tail-wagging and house-broken -- well, I'll have to draw the line here! (LOL) Now as for what others might say about me -- well, never mind!
I wish you well and hope to hear from you again.
Golly Gee, what a nice responce Reverend. when you say your bold...what adj are you useing? are you adventurous? (ooh!) or saucy, showy, or prominent, or maybe smart-alecky, I know you are spirited.And your choice of words really caught my fancy. Endearing...so, your a charmer, your captivating, and you are the love that you are. wow! IF all you say what you are is true...I'D surely like to meet you, you are one in a million my friend... by the way...are you single? LOL. As for as the tail wagging...would you be happy to see me when I walked through the door? (After all, you chose to be a cocker spanial)and are you really house-broken? by that I mean do you like being home with that special someone, do you enjoy your home?
And I bet you are well recieved by all, you are loved Reverend. Even though you do-not know me and I do-not know you...I LOVE YOU.
I too wish you well and hope to hear from you once more.
Hey there C'Anna, whats the story about you? Why is this so one sided? Care to reply? Inquiring minds want to know!
Well, Whatever, since you asked and your inquisitive, I will tell you a little about myself.I have been going through a transformation with my life. Actually, my real name was Cecil. I was born a male with female tendencys. It has been a very difficult growing up with a body of a male and longing to be a female. I was ridiculed and called a fagget a lot. So you see my life was misserable. But now, I can be whom I choose to be with a lot of cometic surgury, and help from God. I still have problems being excepted in this world but it is getting easier as the days progress. I am beautiful, sexy, with an open mind. So now that I let you know a little about me, are you satisfied? Would you and everyone else be willing to except me as I am? I wonder.
Hi There C'Anna,
Are you not one of Gods children?
You are loved, and yes, I would love to have you as my friend. Good luck in your endeavors, you have my support. I wish you well always. I can't say anything about the rest of the world and their way of thinking. I look at it this way, C'Anna...they are the ones missing out not knowing you as a person with so much love to give. It is their loss!
OH Reverend,
I would very much like for you to look deeply into my eyes,and would I like to look deeply into yours! I think you are so cute!Who needs a pet? Maybe I could have you? Would you be my puppy?
I have no pets so I cannot convey to you what it would be like. But I would like to share this thought with you if I may. This is my experience, this is what I feel, this is what happened to me.
You ask, why can't I look into your eyes?
The eyes are door to the soul. They are also a mirror that reflects back our own soul. To look into your eyes would break my mind. What I would see in your eyes scares me. People are afraid of darkness and fear. I am afraid of light and joy. When one only knows fear and pain, and then discovers happiness, it is as if the brain want to shut down and revert to what it knows. Have you ever gone from a dark room into the a bright room. You cannot open your eyes because of the pain from the bright light. That is what it is like for me to look into your eyes. The radiance and light given of by your soul is overpowering. I have lived in darkness for to long and I am not use to the light. Your light shines 100 times brighter than any other person I have ever met. So I shudder at the prospect of looking into your soul. I might get lost and never come back. This is the final frontier of man, to see all your joys and your heart laid open raw, like a new cut it hurts, to heal it must get air, or the cut will get infected by the dark and fester and grow. Covering one soul with hate, and anger. It is hard because you must expience pain before you can be healed. This pain is the pain of joy and unconditional love. That is what I fear to see in your eyes. Your love for me. I do not feel worthy of such love and trust. I have let myself and other down in the past and do not want to let you down, for you have such a pure heart and it should not be touched by the darkness in mine. To look into your eyes is to see me and maybe that is what I fear. Myself.
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