#11. Have You Ever Lived Before?

A two and a half year old boy says to his mother, "Remember when I was a little girl? Daddy and I used to have brown skin and lived on the grass. You are not my favorite mother. I like the one with blond hair where I stayed till I was 11 best."
These following quotes from the Bible, if taken literally, would imply a belief in reincarnation:
1. The LORD spoke his word to me, "Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. (Jeremiah 1:5)
2. So the disciples asked (Jesus) "Why do the scribes say that Elijah must come first?" Jesus answered, "... Actually, I can guarantee that Elijah has already come. Yet, people ... didn’t recognize him ... " Then the disciples understood that he was talking about John the Baptizer. (Matthew 17:10-13) { Note: Elijah lived several hundred years before John}
3. "What do you mean?" exclaimed Nicodemus. "How can an old man go back into his mother’s womb and be born again?" Jesus replied, "... don’t be surprised at my statement that you must be born again." (John 3:4-7)
4. On the way (Jesus) asked his disciples, "Who do people say I am?" They answered him, "Some say you are ... Elijah, still others one of the prophets (from long ago)." (Mark 8:27-28) { Note: Jesus did not attempt to correct them for thinking about previous lives}
So, what is your belief? Do you think this is it -- no more for me? Or do you think it's possible you have been here before? Do you recall any memories from a previous life?
I am a 61 year old female, who was born & have always lived in the western United States. While playing in the fields as a young child, I would see rows of tents & men on horses in my peripheral vision. I would also hear strange bird calls, and smell wood smoke. It happened many times, and seemed somewhat connected to a particular weather condition & time of day. At age 10, I opened my US History book & almost fell off my chair. There were my men & tents - The American Civil War. From that point on, I KNEW I'd been a confedrate soldier. I was a 'girlie' girl, liking everything pretty & clean. A male soldier was the last thing I would have fantasized being. Over the years, I had several regressions and remembered much more. I often 'knew' facts I'd have no way of knowing. Also more telling, were deeply emotional reactions to events having nothing to do with my current life or the area I lived in. Eventually, 14 years ago, I visited some of the places I remembered. I saw & heard many familiar things on this journey, including those unusual bird calls in the woods of Northern Virginia. This was very emotional and quite surreal, but also strangly liberating. I have never had a doubt about the validity of reincarnation. Even as a child, growing up in a religion that DID NOT believe in it, nothing could ever have changed my mind. I KNEW what I saw, felt, & remembered
Changing Gender Between Incarnations
Maintained by Richard Holmes
For people who have multiple incarnations as one sex and then change to another, there can be some difficulties adjusting. Some experiences are submitted below to illustrate this:
I think the first time being Female really pissed me off was when I was little (I used to know the drill commands and would get my mum and brother square bashing in the front room) and my father got fed up because he didn't like my mother joining in and yelled at me, telling me i couldn't be a soldier--when i asked why, his reply was "Because you're a useless GIRL!!!!"
He also used to get very annoyed that I wouldn't play with dolls, dress properly etc--I used to play football with the lads at school and he kept me in one whole summer holiday as punishment!! I just didn't have interest in embroidery and knitting etc--which in his eyes were the things girls did. I knitted with a hammer and nails instead, loved motor racing and tree climbing. My mum used to be a Tom boy, so she just accepted it!
I can't wear my hair long--it drives me nuts and feels wrong once it starts growing over my ears! I don't have to have it quite so short now, but at one time it wasn't far off the tradit. military hair cut--Ok except when little old ladies hold you hostage in toilets while another calls the police cos they think you're a boy!! And of course, all the people lacking an imagination who think that short haired girls must automatically be lesbians... I'm not but one thing I've been told is that my sex drive and that i get turned on by visual stimuli is very male--I also have a very dirty mind.
The worst part is understanding the species--i totally agree with blokes who say women are baffling! eg, when lads fall out, they have a fight, settle the issue then its done with: girls drag it out with catty remarks for days, ignoring the person, getting everyone else to ignore the person....then, if they stop sulking enough, the Cat Fight---WHY don't they just punch each other???? I find cat fights hilarious...And when they get 'in a snot' why do they not just tell the person they're annoyed with the problem instead of snide remarks or talking behind the person's back...
If I'm male next time, you could almost expect i'll understand women more because of this life--but i don't think i will, or not very much anyway!
My own past live memories began entirely spontaneously. I don't know why except I realize now that I began to recall that I was this other person a few years ago. But because of those first memories, I began paying strict attention to my dreams, especially very vivid ones. Then I began to meditate,(I at times find it difficult to come out of my meditations) and paying attention to imagery that came during those times. Finally, after a few years, there came the point when I would just "know" something! But that it took a long time.
I am convinced that other people have past life memories, but ignore them. My mother, for example, told me that when she was a child, during a life-threatening illness, she clearly saw herself on a ship. She could hear the splashing of the water, and actually see the deck of the ship. She associated this imagery with a commotion of people talking and fear. She was in awe that she could have known about these things when she was a small child. I put this together with the fact that my mom had told me many times of her fear of water, and inability to learn to swim, and I told her that it was clearly a past life memory. I suspect she was remembering a shipwreck. But she wasn't interested. Something I just remembered, too -- when I was a small child, my mother bought a antique silver ship's captain's whistle and used to call my twin brother, sister and me in from playing outside by blowing on it. And she blew it correctly, too. As I realized this when I was watching a movie recently set on a ship. Can you beat that!?
I would advise other people to pay attention to dreams, imagery during daydreams and meditation. People often have periods of history they are very interested in, watch movies about, buy books, etc. Or just things like my mother's buying the captain's whistle. Things like that. I too remember living in a past life, but IM sorry, I am not ready to discuss it at this time. It is difficult for me to understand.
What I can remember, I have seen visions of children, old people and things that are too scary to describe. The thing that terrifies me the most are the dark figures that try to smother me during the night. This has happened to me at least five times in the last year that I can remember.
The first negative experience happened about a year ago when I was a sleep. I felt someone was standing over me, and when I opened my eyes I saw a dark, cloaked figure reaching toward me, trying to pull me in its direction. I was so afraid I screamed, got up and turned on the light and it was gone. At first I thought it must have just been my imagination.
The second time, a few months later, the same figure tried to smother me again. I could feel its presence and it smothering me. I couldn't breathe, but when I started to punch at it there was nothing there. Shortly after the second visitation, I moved to a new apartment and I thought that this would be the end of it.
After a couple of weeks in the new apartment, I had quite a few visitations, but they were from children and I did not feel threatened. I decided to go and see a medium about why I was having these visitations and she explained that I am like a white light, and both positive and negative energies are drawn to me. She said that is was very important to protect myself with a circle of white light, as did my best friend, he has studied about these things and besides he is a minister, and I do trust him with my life. So I went about cleansing and bringing lots of positive energy into my house and I say a prayer every night to protect myself.
For only a few momths I only had a few positive encounters, until the third negative one. I remember this night very clearly because I was really tired, and I kept having a funny feeling in my stomach. I was asleep and I couldn't breathe. I opened my eyes and this dark figure, which felt like a male presence, was holding my arms down and smothering me. I kicked at it to try to feel my arms and screamed. The dark figure went through the ceiling.
I was so terrified, since that night I have been extra careful and I haven't had a visitation until last night. It was 1.30 a.m. because I looked at the clock when I jumped out of bed and turned on the light. I felt its presence and when I opened my eyes I could clearly see the figure was not human. It was all black and crouching on four legs. It looked grotesque. It pounced at me. I screamed at it and punched the air, jumped out of bed and turned on the lights. I left the light on because I was too scared to turn it off.
I know it may sound crazy to you, but this is so true.At times it is so hard to deal with this. A lot of this now takes place as I get into meditation. At times I don't know if I am comming or going. I am so glad and I thank God for my friend, he sure tries to help me with all my pain and fear about all this.
Thanks for sharing this fascinating dream, as well as your mystical experience on the other think-piece. Don't ever forget it, ok? So, what is your name? Would I remember you?
At times I wonder what it is like to have this type of experience. I wouldn't know what I would do if I did. I'M not sure if I really believe in past lifes, or reincarnation. It is all too strange for me. The relpy from crafty, golly, that is something else! May God go with her or him, I will pray for this person.How can he or she have peace?! with this going on? Wow! And to think we have problems. I'll keep mine and not complain ever again! Good luck crafty, I will pray for inner peace for you, you poor dear.This is so awefull to go through, I hope your not alone, I hope you have a friend or companion to go through this with you.BUT REMEMBER
I can't say that I have any knowledge of a past life Reverend. How does one know about these things? All I know is about my goings on now in my life and it isn't to good I'm sorry to say. Does one have a dream about it? How do you come to know these things? To me that would be a little scary.
As I can recall, I had a dream once. And in this dream I was this handsome man in this fighter plane during the war in the 1930"s.I was strong and confident (gee, I wonder what happen now!) I can recall being recognizeded as a hero. I saved my comrads from a disaster and death. Boy, this was one hell of a dream Reverend. And if this was about a past life...oh boy! If you could see me now. I am a female, meek, shy, I am far from being beautiful, I do nothing for excitement, don't have a boyfriend, no-one seems to care these days. I think I'D rather be the person in my past life, he seemed to have it all.
Hi There Anonymous,
Life at times throws us a curve. But you must know in your heart you have God, he loves you my friend. You are beautiful in every way, your'e a child of God, he creates the best. I don't know who you are, but I care. I know about feeling empty inside as if no-one cares... we are out there, we care. I came to realize that I had friends that really do care about me, gosh what a wonderful feeling. I am blessed as you are too! Just look around and you will make wonderful discoveries, we're out there for you. You need a shoulder look at the Unity web site, there are beautiful prayers to listen to and of course a Reverend to council if you feel the need. Are you from the Down River area? Good Luck.
Hi Savvy,
Thanks for such a nice reply. I am from Warren Mi,and I have attended the Unity on 11 mile. I much don't care for such a large church,I don't feel the closeness there. I have looked at your web site and the church looks small and I like that.Where are you? I am not familiar with the down river area. And if I were to visit your church, may I ask for you? Is this your real name? I live around 10mile rd. and Gratiot area. Are you far from here? I am looking forward hearing from you or whom ever is in charge.My name is Celeste.
If you should come to Unity Chapel in Southgate, I will introduce you to her. Take I-75 south of Detroit to the Northline Road exit. Turn left and we're 3/4 mile on right side. Service at 10:30am.
Hi Theresa,
Steve and Peggy visited a year or two ago. I remember your name, but don't recall what you looked like. Thanks for your previous story and follow-up. Happy Holidays!
I've had dreams and day time visions re. past lives. I think they're really simultaneous lives since time and space are really human constructs, and do not really exist.
In one dream I saw pictures in frames in a cave, where multiple lives were as a man and only a few as a female. One was as a male monk in full light brown robes. I was seated on a stone stool, reading and copying scrolls. My task was to dicipher the signs embedded in the documents, and to disclose the accurate truths. During my "work" I heard hoofbeats from a distance and hurriedly rolled up the documents and placed them in jars, hiding these in deep crevaces in the walls and chambers of the cave. Soon, a group of Roman soldiers brandishing swords came into the cave with demands about the whereabouts of our leader. I feigned that I could not speak and kept silent. Then, one of the soldiers plunged his sword through me and I died almost instantly. Later, I thought this memory may be the reason for my writer's block. I was afraid to come forth and speak my Truth for fear of losing my life. I've had other similar dreams in different scenerios & periods of history, all with the same end. Simultaneously, I believe I'm here to fulfill my destiny as a writer, and help to correct the false records. Skyehawk.
All the (mind) talking about your fears and pains can not bring healing to your "heart". The mind does not understand anything about the heart.
The only way (I know) for dissoving the pain and fear from this memory is to allow the emotion to come up, locate it in your body, and enter into it experientially, without resistance. The pain and fear will dissipate within moments or minutes, if you can stay with it with non-resistance. Otherwise, it will require repeats until gone.
Not easy, especially in your case, but I have experienced amazing results with myself and others. If I can be of further help with this approach, let me know. I can also provide you with a loving PAT and a Unity hug. Virgil
I just discovered this site and have enjoyed reading over the entries. I hope future ones are as interesting and inspire as many thought provoking comments. This one stimulates my interest enough to actually reply. Have I lived before? Yes, I feel rather certain of that. I have had impressions and images of previous lives when I was a child. I can remember waking up with clear images of battles fought in ancient Greece. I didn't realize it at the time of course, but years later, when I saw a picture of ancient Greek soilders, I recognized the armor that I saw in my dreams. I also had a strong impression of a previous life as a pioneer. The first time I saw a covered wagon on a tv show, I instantly knew what it felt like to travel in one. The images flooded my mind even though that was a very small aspect of the actual tv show. i instantly knew it was not the romantic picture as painted on the tv. I knew my back and bottom would ache from the ride. I could almost feel the exhaustion and aches. It was interesting that many years later, during a psychic reading, I was told that I traveled out west in a covered wagon and died from tuberculosis.
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