#16. The Value of a Belly Button (with photos)

Did you know that you can have cosmetic surgery performed on your "belly button" for a little under $2000. The good news is that it is free with a "belly tuck". It can be shaped by the surgeon to suit your fancy.
The belly button is also called the navel (or the "umbilicus" in medical books). It is the scar tissue that forms after the imbilical cord is severed after birth. Belly buttons come in a variety of shapes and sizes -- some are inverted and others protrude outwardly. Some are attractive -- some not (I'm really guessing here -- you be the judge!).

Do you like your belly button? When was the last time you looked at it? Adam and Eve were in the garden nude searching for their belly buttons, but could not find them. That's because they had not been "born" the usual way, you know.
It's also possible to have your belly button removed surgically. For example, if you have a belly tuck, but choose not to have a belly button created by the surgeon, you would look into the mirror and see a smooth, flat belly without a belly button. Of course, you would then have nowhere to fasten your belly button ring.
Do you know of a belly-buttonless earthling? Do you suppose that ET's (ie: aliens from other planets) have belly buttons? Are you pondering why I have written this "think-piece"? Do you fully understand why you are reading this essay? Just where do you suppose your comments will take us with this one? I can hardly wait...
As a child I believed that my bellie button was my "Done Spot". God would walk down each row of babies waiting to be born. If the baby was ready, he would push his finger into the stomach and say "Your Done My Child, Time To Be Born" and send me on my way.
I like my bellie button, I have beautiful gems to dress it up.
When I was small I asked my big brother why we had bellybuttons and he told me that we came from outerspace and we were aliens and we could communicate with the alien people through them, he told me to try it and I would spend hours talking to my bellybutton, to think, I never got a responce.
SO, Aliens have a bellybutton, take me to your leader.
I have an INNIE belly button, and it can wink at you, her name is Passion.And what kind of belly button do you have Administrator? Can it wink back? or do you have an outie? Inquiring minds want to know.
We are willing to share about our belly button, are you?
I always had a big outie bellybutton. Mine sticks out nearly an inch! When I was little we would go to the pool and my mom always made me wear a two piece. I remember asking my mom why other kids stare at mine. She told me they lost their bellybuttons in the water so I better make sure they don't take mine. I was then proud to show my outie. And sadly enough, humiliated soon after for helping several girls try to find their tummybuttons under the water, lol.
Gee whiz, Virgil. I'm away for how long, and then come back to check out what you have going on here, and you're talking about belly buttons! :)
It's been a while since I actually paid special attention to my belly button. I think of it a little differently than most, maybe. Since I've had four children, it makes me think of them--of THEIR navels, which are a living symbol of their pre-birth connection to my body. I also think of it as a connection to MY mother (and therefore, to my brother and sister), and to her mother and all of the children she bore, and on and on...and that leads to the thought that we are all connected. We might not all be from the same immediate family, but we are all one family.
As for those aliens...I haven't met one. Not yet, anyway. If I happen to come across one any time soon, I'll ask if he has a navel, and if I could please take a look at it...
My belly button smiles at you, and she even has dimples! I make sure she is looking good by dressing her with beautiful precious stones. And I make sure she can be seen by everyone. I'm proud of my belly button, are you proud of your's? Show me your's and I'll show you mine! So really, Eve lost out, that's part of who you are, that's beauty, that's sensual, espesially if it can wink at you.
My mother had my belly button removed when I was an infant due to a hernia. So, I'm buttonless. At times I feel alone cause I can't show off my belly button wareing hip huggers, bikinnies, and beautiful body jewerly to dress up that part of my anatomy.
They say you can't miss what you don't have, and I say Phooey!!! I sure miss not having one. Every guy I've dated wants to know "where is my belly button?" I used to think that it was a breast thing for men, not anymore! I believe it's the belly button that turns them on! So, I feel deprived. I wonder... did Eve go through what I have gone through?
You can bet I'm pondering to why you put up this think-piece. Really, it's cute, what a sense of humor! Myself, I don't like my belly button. It sticks out like a soar thumb.It looks like it is sticking it's tongue out at you!
I used to try and poke at it thinking it would invert it self, no such luck.
Is there such things as alians? I don't beleave that. But who knows, if there are alians, then maybe they have a belly button like mine!
Keep on written those think pieces,
your good! I'll be back to comment on another soon I hope!
I dated a girl once and she did not have a belly button. Can you ever imagine that? She was 17 at the time and very attractive, but, no belly button. I like mine, it's masculine. But I have this problem, I like to look at the ladies belly buttons and compare. I get into trouble sometimes, especially with my girfriend when we are at the beach.
I used to find it hard to believe that there is a person out there in the world without a belly button, but, I met this gal who had a major surgery not long ago, only to discover that they removed her belly button. She never gave a reason to why this was done, nor would she show me her buttonless belly. Oh well I tried!
I don't believe in Alians, and if there were any, well, they too would be buttonless. Besides, they are not born like you and I,do you think? Thats something to think about. I have an outie for a belly botton, I never gave it much thought to what the gals think about it when they see it, I like the looks of mine.
Hello Out There,
I'm an Alien, my name is Auricle. I have big green eyes, pointy ears, a globular head and no belly button. But, "I'M BEAUTIFUL" to look at, and oh so exciting to be with. Wanna travel with me to my galaxy? mine is bright and beautiful...it is called the Land of Milk And Honey, it is Utopia, the name of my planet is called The Milky Way. Dare to travel with me?
Although I have no belly button, will you show me yours? I have never seen a humans belly button.
I have an ugly bellie button, if I could afford it, I have it removed.
If there are Aliens in a UFO... I wish they would take me. I want off this violent hate-filled, war plaged planet. "Beam me up Scotty!"
I would like to meet the person who thought of this "Think-Piece" What a mind! I'd like to study your mind. I bet you are a very interesting person to be around!
I enjoy this blog-site, it just lifts my spirit. I wait with great antisapation for the next think-piece. Your blog-site is like a box of chocolates.! Keep at it, it keeps us coming back for more.
Passion: I have an innie that winks back, but don't tell anyone.
Theresa (Spirit713): It's good to know that you're keeping tabs on me. I enjoyed reading how your children's buttons are a reminder of giving birth to them. Maybe I'll use this on Mother's Day. LOL!
Friendly: Thanks for your kind remarks about my mind. It operates on four AA batteries and they were becoming very weak. Well, now you know ``a``l``l````a``b``o``u``t```` `m```y```````m```i````n``````d```.
All other tummy-botton and button-less responders: Thanks for your comments. Regardless of how you feel about yours, remember, it's what's in your heart that's most important to me.
Button, button, who's got the button? I don't have one, never did. My mother has always said that I'm an alien, she found me in a basket in the yard, she said who ever abandoned me made sure I was wrapped in warm clothing. And I have an extra toe on my left foot.Some people say it's a deformety having an extra toe...I say it's a gift from God. He took away my belly buttton and gave me an extra toe. What an exchange huh? Heck,I even have a third eye to see God with. So you see, I'm blessed more ways then one.
Did you know that:
Alfred Hitchcock didn't have a belly button? Makes you wonder huh?
Does it really matter if we have a belly button? I think not! We are all God's children. I lost mine when I had surgery.
(Button, button, who's got my button!?)
hi, i have an outie,it sticks out further than most outies. some of my ex partners thought it gross and would not go swimming with me.My navel is very sensitive and I enjoy people looking at it.Maybe I have navel fetish.
Hi Anonymous,
Thanks for sharing your navel story. Hope you explored some of my other "think-pieces" -- they often stand way out from the rest, sort of like an outie.
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