#17. The Best Vacation Ever!

Long ago while driving into a state park with millions of trees on either side, my dog was riding shotgun, hanging out of the window, smelling all the smells, having the greatest time of her life. After 20 years, it's one of my favorite memories. What a trip!Tell us about your most special memory while vacationing. Share with us how it affected you or changed the direction of your life. Reveal what happened within you that was exhilerating, captivating, and most memorable.
By the way, what exciting trip are you planning for your future? And what unique happening are you anticipating?
"Absence of Sound is a loud ringing in my ears,
Tormenting my mind as to grow louder with the loss of hearing.
Wanting, needing, desiring to be near the grasp of your hands,
Yet seem to be running not away, but in circles.
Scratching my way from within this despair, only to see vitory.
Reaching upward in a solid motion hoping, but nothing brings me to you camping in the wilderness, that'd all I seem to do."
AHH...Take me camping...So I can play with you!
I took a vacation by myself once, I asked a dear friend to join me on this adventure and I was turned down, so I went by myself, It was pleasant but, lonely. No one to share any excitement that came my way, or thoughts, or just a walk in the park.How about enjoying one anothers company and pleasure in bed? That's out to, can't ask a friend to do none of that, they call it commitment, holding hands is a commitment, Oh how I hate that word! Why can't we just enjoy the moment when it comes our way? Why do we need excuses and reasons? Life is so short, one day your here and the next your gone. Then we regret the things we didn't say or do with that person. Now we want to tell them, and share with them, and possibly hold thier hand. TOO LATE!THEIR GONE! YOU BLEW IT! YOU HAD YOUR CHANCE!
You know how I know? Because I was the one that did that to my friend. I had my issues, and I was afraid to let this person come close to me. I didn't want to get hurt. Oh how I regret it now. I should have gone with this person on that trip, I should have held that persons hand, we were intimate once for a while, I guess even though I enjoyed this person, I used this friend. I was selfish, only thought of my needs and wants,always looking. I have deep regrets about this, I wished my friend was here, I realize now what my friend really meant to me, now it's to late. I won't be going on any vacation to soon, I need to see my life diffrently. Thanks for letting me pour my heart out, I needed to tell someone.
Hey Spineless,
It is never too late to see the light and start over again, I too did the same thing to my special friend, but we were able to work things out and we do vacation together once in a while and enjoy what ever we enjoy. As a matter of fact, we found one another while vacationing the second time around. I came to realize how much I need this person, my friend is always there for me, and believes in me, and loves me unconditionally even with all my faults.I see now all these things and fully appreciate a second chance. So our vacation will always be a memorable one, we found a deep love that we have for one another, and I feel so blessed that God has opened up my eyes and my heart. I'm the lucky one. So I will send this saying to you.
Open the dawn and let its spirit of promise shine on you!
Laughter is the shortest distance between two people.
Success is the good fortune that comes from aspiration, desperation, perspiration and inspiration!
No one is more lovable than you.
Smiles are free!
You can acocmplish anything you set your mind to!
Happiness is your destiny!
You mean more to someone than you know.
Acts of kindness have a way of multiplying.
Fun is the dessert of life. Have some!
I have a wonderful story about my vacation 4 years ago. I met my husband to be while vacationing just outside of Michigan. I was camping with my children and he was camping alone. We first met one another while on the beach. I must say he was so handsome, so suave. He knocked me off my feet! and I knew from that moment he was the one for me. He didnot feel the same way about me so it was stressful for me.
Well, while swiming I went to far out and I was tired, not only that, I was cramping in my legs and came close to drowning. He heard my cyies for help and swam out to rescue me. As he brought me to shore he held me in his arms till the ambulanc arrived. He said from that moment on he realized that he didn't ever want to let me go.
We have been together ever since, we can't do enough for one another. I'm blessed, I'm lucky, I'm thankful to God for this wonderful man in my life! What a beautiful gift from God.
About my best vocation ever. It was two years ago when I & two friends of mine went to the Crimea. We had a limited amount of money, one tent, three sleepbags & excellent mood, of course. Our small group were walking along the seaboard of the Black Sea from one sightseeing to another without the special goal. In evenings we were tasting fragrant wines, dancing with local beauties, listening to folk songs. When the night came our tent was pitched on the beach and we fell asleep with a tender accompaniment of surging waves. Sometimes we halted for the night in ancient ruined settlements, there're a plenty of debris of Greek towns along the coast. Just imagine this feeling of contiguity with the myth (We were like the ancient heros) Yeah! It was a great time!!!
ive never left england (unless you count wales!!)
but the bestest (i love that word) holiday i ever went on was somewhere on the west coast.... probably about 20 - 30 minutes south of western-super-mare
anyway i went with my parents and we rented a little place by the beach and i would sit at night and watch the waves.. i find it helps me relax and helps me with my meditation
then this really beautifull girl came up and sat next to me and asked what i was doing sitting alone on a night like this and i told her i was centering myself and she asked how and i showed her how to meditate (this was day 3 of 14) and we spent the next hour or so just sitting talking watching the tide come in then she decided she should go back to where she was staying.
the next night we came out and sat and talked again then we went and saw a film and got something to eat and then we walked along the promenade along the sea front for about 2 miles then we separated and both went back to where we were staying.
this continued till day 8 of 14 and then she came to meet me where i first met her and she had a 2 person tent with her and some snacks and we set up the tent on a bit of grass near the edge of a cliff near where we were and we just spent the night together and watched the sunrise in the morning and we decided to be gf/bf.
we spent the next two days together and it was great and then day 11 was raining so we went to see a few films and played in the arcades and then the next day she told me that this was her last day then she had to go back home. I was mortified, it had never occured to me that we might live hundreds of miles apart and might never see each other again, but we promised to stay in touch and we did, phonecalls everynight, letters, emails etc for 4 months and then the calls and letters slowed down and then stopped, last i heard she was getting married in a few months.
that was my best vacation ever!!
all that happened 2 years ago. i assume she is married now and living happy somewhere, but i hope she never forgets that night when we lay under the stars and watched the sunrise together... i know i wont.
I had a dreamy SCUBA diving vacation last week in Palawan, Philippines. Sadly, many ships were sunk in the Pacific ocean during the Second World War, a few sit on the sea floor near Palawan. Check some pics at
A few of us swam in and out of old wrecks checking the fish and the old equipment. Some of the dives are shallow but most are advanced and need special air.
SCUBA diving is lots of fun and you can start in a 10 feet deep deep swimming pool. There’s lots of stuff to learn but it’s a fantastic other world to explore once you get into the ocean.
The Philippines are cool especially Palawan where you can swim and sun then 4-wheell drive into mountain highlands; watch out for the wild pigs! First lesson, climb banana tree at first sign of danger!!!
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