#19. Prophesy For Me!

"Imagine there's no Heaven ...
And no religion too"
I have often pondered: What would I believe about God and about Life if there were no organized religions at all.
Many people believe whatever their religion tells them to believe. Also, many people believe whatever is written in their sacred, God-inspired scriptures -- be it the Bible, the Qur'an, the Bhagavad Gita, the Upanishads, or whatever.
Over the years, I have presented a hypothetical question to a number of Christians: Imagine you can only hold on to one or the other of these two relationships:
1) your relationship with God, orWhich would you choose?
2) your relationship with the Bible
For those who had perceived the Bible to be the divinely inspired, inerrant, perfect Word of God, it was a perplexing question with no possible answer. They could not choose between the two because it was as if the Bible was God to them.
Imagine no Christianity, no Judaism, no Islam, no Unity, what would you believe? Heaven? Hell? Sin? Angels? What??? Imagine no Bible, no Koran -- what kind of God would you conceive of? Prophesy for me!
God is the irresistable force. Woman is the immovable object. Together they create the universe. It is a product of their union. Woman is transformed by this union. God is left to a solitary existence. Alone he must wait for the end of the universe for Woman to reassume their dual existence.
Though a product of their union, God has no love for the universe, as it is also the cause of their separation. He may, however, do it no harm for it is Woman's substance in other form. There is a strong bond or affinity between God and Woman. He awaits her transformation which culminates in the end of the universe.
Life is created in the universe by Woman to which she essntially gave "birth" as a by-product of her feelings for God and their forced separation. The male sex including humans is simply an artifice. By employing evolutionary processes, Woman has taken of herself and created man in an image and likeness of God to whom she longs to be re-united. Man, made of woman, is simply a temporary substitute for God, in this temporal universe. In this way, Woman is able to deal with with pent up emotions that can have no outward expression until the temporal end of the universe and the next step in her cycle.
Man, therefore, is in reality Woman. Man does not really exist as he imagines. To put it simply, man is woman in another form. Man does not really exist in this universe. Man is a manifestation made by Woman as a temporary substitute for God. All love in our universe is technically homosexual. Men are simply an autoerotic creation made in an image and likeness of God. Men are no more than the alter-ego and self love of Woman. This is demonstrated embryologically when a female fetus is hormonally triggered and converts to male development. Essentially,the"rib"was taken from Woman and made man.
Woman has made man like God and impressed man with the desire to be God. Woman's love for God is so strong, however, the unconscious desire to pursue God was also impressed on man's psyche. Man therefore has a deep-seated desire to pursue God. Men are,therefore, condemned to be insatiable.
Woman is resigned to her inevitability and awaits re-emergence. Woman cannot harm the universe for in truth, she is the universe. Good and bad, hate and love, creation and destruction, are simply symptoms of her existence.
We are Woman!
I see you have copied and pasted from another site. Are you the author of same? If so, say so. If not, please share your original comments rather than anothers. The Think-Piece beckons to know what you think. Thanks.
Hey There, Hi There,
Thanks for the interest! I am the Author, the one and only! Whatcha think of my blog site?
Virgil, I choose God. Having a relationship with Jesus is sort of like having a best friend you can call on anytime. He may not answer you directly the way you and I would, He's been watching and listning all along. He knows me better then I know myself. I consider Jesus my best friend, and so I interact with him as if He were at my side. Or shall I say that at times I can feel his presence. He's a pretty quiet friend, so I need to listen diligently. I know that I do most of the talking even though I know He's the one offering understanding and comfort.
As for the bible, well, it is boring, and misleading, hypocrisy.
This is something that is very deep and demands serious thought. Too often we are so involved with the everyday events that we may never have a personal relationship with Jesus. This only comes through deep soul searching.
I choose a relationship with God and not the Bible.
I think I would choose God. I can't understand anything the Bible has to say, it is too confusing, anyway God is not confusing, he's everywhere present, he's in me and I in him. We are one, and what a mighty force we are!
I believe in God and that is my choice. Should there be another? I think not. The Father and I "We are one" I feel his presence when I am in his need. The bible cannot do for me what God can, there is no other explanation. I believe in Heaven, and in Angels, we are surrounded by them everyday, and I am blessed.
Your friend
Looking out upon Lake St. Clair at dusk with the green landscape and clouds in the sky above, I would perceive that life is beautiful. However, watching the 6 o'clock news with descriptions of murders and other going-ons among earth's inhabitants, I would describe life as evil. Guess I would believe that Life is a paradox, consisting of both good and evil.
I would ultimately believe that Life is the creator of all that is, that Life is eternal, that Life has infinite possibilities, and that Life is intended to be fulfilling.
Science reveals that Life is both invisible and visible, energy and matter; that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction; that the observance of the smallest quanta of an atom reveals two opposing outcomes, neither of which is predictable.
I would believe that I am continuously being influenced by the world of nature and the TV news reporters, and that I always have choices to make.
It is an interesting thought. Perhaps one should start with the question of what would our perception of God be without the Bible? As with the rest of my life, my concept of God has changed with my life's experiences and choices. As a teenager I rejected fundamentalist religion and explored Eastern religions and metaphysics. Unity's principals helped bridge that gap. Charles Filmore and Eric Butterworth's teachings about the bible really expanded my understanding. I am currently exploring a Course In Miracles and I am finding that it fits into my life in a good way... But would I be where I am now in understanding God without the Bible? Probably not.
So what would your concept of God be without basic background teachings?
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. This is a challenging think-piece for people to respond to, isn't it? I was hoping to hear more "original thoughts". Maybe more will be forth-coming in time.
In my comment, I spoke of "Life" (with a capital L) rather than using the word "God". For me, God is another word for "all that is, both invisible and visible". There is nothing but God-Life.
God-Life is an infinite, invisible Intelligence Source that expresses as visible form (called the Universe). You and I are individualized expressions of God-Life and therefore both invisible and visible also.
I think of God-Life as an infinite verb, rather than an objective noun -- as a process; not a thing. It boggles my mind to even realize that there is such a happening as LIFE. What if LIFE were not? Now it's your turn.
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