#21. Life is a Lot Like Golf.

However my putt was off-course and that golf ball rolled directly toward that huge leaf and stroke it head on. Immediately upon contact, the ball ricocheted off the leaf at a 30 degree angle and was heading directly toward the hole. Guess what? The ball fell right into the hole. WOW! What a putt!
Sometimes our life gets off-course and we encounter an obstacle which unexpectedly turns out to be a wonderful blessing. Had you not experienced the leaf, the blessing would not have occurred. Think about the leaves in your pathway that turned into a success story. Share a fantastic happening with us.
Yes, I couldn't agree more. Well, really you have to have control and plenty of distance without to much effort. You want a sense of rhythm and you want to be consistant. You want to be successful without breaking the rules. Really, life is fair for the most part, but not always.
You appreciate the good shots and you forget the bad ones. You just keep going and try to get better each day.
I would like to share a wonderful blessing that happen to me this evening.
I went to a department store to look for a pair of shoes, and of course, I was just looking at some of their clothing items they had on sale. I found this one outfit that was really cute and I can't begin to tell you how many times I looked at it then only to put it back on the rack. I could't afford to buy it. I bet I came back to that same outfit 4 different times. I finally made it to where the shoes were and found the shoes they had on sale, I went to purchase or shall I say pay for them and when I did the cashier rang them up, and also was putting some clothing along with my shoes in this bag. I told her that those cloths were not mine. But she argued with me that they were and for me to be on my way that the bill was taken care of. I must have argued with her for 10 minuets. What was the catch I asked? I don't get it! Well, inside the bag was a card that read, "I was watching the excitment in your eyes as you looked at this outfit over and over again. It was a joy for me to see such excitment on your face, please accept this as a gift of love to you, you so deserve." A friend.
I cannot begin to tell you how good I felt in my heart about this, actually, I was blessed twice this week, I won't go into that story, but to say "Thank You so much Jesus for sending to me your most beautiful Angels".
You may be right, but for me today and everyday for the rest of my life, my Life is like a sandwich, the more I add the better I become.
I have a true story to share with you: I have had a history of tumors that come back every now and then. This last one reappeared on my large intestine. So the doctors were talking surgery. I was well aware that the link between the development of tumors and the central nervous system has been studied very little. And this link is an amazing thing! It happens rarely,and my case is of self induced healing. And I kid you not, this was not a recovery through treatment, but an actual healing.(laying on of hands healing) The surgen had a problem accepting the fact that the tumor started off in the opposite direction! it got smaller, resolves and finally disapears. This story is like a fairy tale! Who would think that a tumor, one's own tumor, the destructive tumor that could damage my life, should suddenly dry up and die by itself? Well, mine did, and I thank God everyday for that blessing. So every day I am greatful to my best friend that helped me with this healing, he was so much a big part of this, he got me through all of this and I could not have done this without him. Thank You My Friend
I don't care much for golf, so I guess I'll take your word for it.
The most geatest think to ever happened in my life was when I became a True Unity Student.
I have been off the beaton path most of my life, and don't beleave in miricles or blessings. And your golf story about the leaf is a wonderful story, however, if that was to happen to me, well I guess I would look at it differently. I have had doom and gloom all my life and only wish to change it all. I'm trapped inside this capsule and don't know how to get out. I would just once like to experience a "Fantastic Happenig" Would that ever be a possibilty? I like this think peace. Thanks
Thanks for sharing your truth. Maybe the capsule is actually your "mind" and your beliefs and memories are holding you captive. I consider the mind to be like a steering wheel -- it tells the Universe where you're going and the Universe helps you get there. If you can change your thinking, you can change your life. That's what Unity is all about. Find a Unity church and try it!
Now tell me, is this a "Fantastic Happening" or what? I mean, isn't this an awesome experience you're having just reading these thoughts from me to you? Say YES! And let's call it a miracle!!!
Now where is your church?
Maybe you can make this awesome experience become a reality just by telling me these words in person! I'm currently living in the Downriver area of Wyandotte.
I haven't been here long so I'm not too familiar of the surrounding areas yet.
Our church, Unity Chapel, is next door to you in Southgate at 14951 Northline Road. Go past Toledo-Dix Road and we are about half a mile further on the left side. The Sunday service is at 10:30am. Look forward to meeting you.
I'm not a golfer, but I think I have had similar experiences in my life. There were things that almost went wrong, or seemed to be wrong, but ended up to be a miracle in disguise. Sometmes, I seem to be at the right place at the right time and good things just seem to happen. For me, the hard part is staying centered and recognizing these small miracles or blessings. I'm usually trying to force something to happen and climb over the obstacles instead of seeing the blessing in the situation.
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