#24. Email from the Deceased?

I believe that the soul lives on and there are countless stories of the deceased interacting with his/her loved ones. Communication can come through meditation and dreams, through a psychic, through specific fragrances, sounds, touch, or other signs and manifestations. So why could the soul not communicate in our high-tech society by way of the Internet?
Here is the message Jenny received. I have changed both names to protect the innocent (LOL) .
The family of the deceased thought that Sally's email account had been closed after her death. However, we recently found that her email account is still in existence. Jenny and I have no reason to believe that someone is tampering with our minds. Nor am I trying to tamper with yours (LOL)!hi jenny
do you miss me
What do you think? Does Jenny need a new computer? Or do you believe that the email message from the other side is possible? Have you had such unique experiences of your own. Let's talk about the other side.
Labels: psychic, spirit-world, supernatural
I was online and decide to check my email. A couple of messages: one from a friend who sends the arrival time for his annual visit, another from my grandma who lists all the ingredients for my favorite cookie recipe. Terrific, except for one little thing -- grandma's long dead. Uh-oh. I paid good money to have my computer checked out and my grandmas e-mail address to see if someone was playing a trick on me. But, her e-mail account has been closed for 3 years now. When I tried to find out if it was from a different person it showed up to be a blank! This is freaky to me also.
"In the tradition of most spirit communications, these emails most often send a message of comfort. The deceased reassure the living that they are at peace in the spirit world and that their affection for those left behind continues."
I can remember a true story that of a graduate student in biology who received an email from a favorite professor who'd recently passed away. The student had been laboring on a complex experiment under the guidance of the professor. But he'd become unsure of his ability to complete the work alone. He was ready to throw in the towel and give up his grant when a subjectless email appeared on his home computer. It contained a message from the professor assuring him that he was on the right course -- with knowledge of the grad student's work that could only have come from his kindly mentor. An interesting twist: Although the grad student reported the message to a paranormal researcher, he never quite believed his own experience and always looked for a scientific explanation. Indeed, he had no prior interest in the paranormal nor a belief in an afterlife -- which made his claim all the more intriguing to the investigator.
As you see this does happen more times than we will admit.
One day, my brain fell out and I lost it, but it came back to me in an email, as an attachment.
Tell your friend to get a new computer!
Instead of a paranormal explanation, could the email have been simply a cruel prank? Was the recipient a hoaxster who enjoyed creating a stir? If I'm presented a case, I have two considerations: First, does the email contain significant details known only to the recipient and the deceased? Second, can the email be traced to its origins by sophisticated technicians? When these aspects are fully investigated, I'm a lot more comfortable with my conclusions.
With the Net in its infancy, we'll no doubt be hearing much more about emails from the dead. But think about it. Do you really want to hear from Dear Departed Dad telling you, yet again, to get your act together, son?
I had an Aunt, whom I haven't seen for so many years, I don't know how she looked like any more. One night I had a dream about her standing with four family members. All died years ago. I told my mom about that dream. She said, " didn't you know she just died!!!" Worried... I had the dream about her about the same time she died.
I think everything is possible.
The bible tells us "The dead they are conscious of nothing at all" (Eccl 9:5)
So they can not have any effect on the living. This also means the deceased are not in some god-awful hell fire propogated by so-called 'christians' as the dead are out of existence
A dead person cannot reach you in your dreams unless God had a reason to allow them to. When God speaks to a person in their dreams He makes the message clear and that it is from Him.
And f they can't reach you in your dreams, how can they reach you through the emails? I think it is a bunch of rubbish, I don't believe in that stuff.
My husband has had visits from his deceased aunt, uncle and my father on several occasions. This is the only way that those who have passed can communicate with us because our minds are open to their signals. When we are awake, our minds are more closed to their communication so we don't get their messages.
In some cases, the dead do come back, just to say good bye and send their love. In others, they come back to tell us something. The Christmas after my dad died, he came back to my mother in a dream and told her that everything was going to be okay. Things improved not long after that. That same year, Daddy came to me in my sleep to let me know that he was safe and happy and that he loved me.
There's nothing to be scared of, either. I treasure those few moments I get with my deceased loved ones more than you'll ever know. Treasure the moment with your deceased ex. You may never get another chance like that for many years to come.
Yes, they can, and they do. I believe what your saying to be true, not only can they let you know they are ok through the internet, also visitations in dreams by deceased loved ones can be very comforting. They bring closure, not only for you, but for the deceased individual as well. And, they can give us messages that we need, guidance for our families, or simply a message of love and farewell.
If it gives you comfort and peace, believe it to be true. And what is against the teachings of one religion, may be central to the teachings of another.
I like this think piece, it's cool!
when you're asleep, you, without sometimes knowing it, you fall into whats called the astral plane( kinda like a different dimension). there, you can see, hear, and maybe touch some of the things that are around you. when you're there other things have i guess you could call it have
an open doorway of getting to you or are sometimes already there(in the astral plane). since you are already there and they are too, they can talk to you and when u wake up it's just like anyother dream. it happened to me a couple years ago when my mother passed on. very memorable moment. they're just letting you know they're there.
Now I don't know a thing about them sending a message on the internet!hmm, they must be really intellegent don't you think? But it's possible.
Here's my own story. I don't remember exactly when it began, but within the last three to four months, my husband and I have been experiencing what we feel to be paranormal activity. I guess the first instance is strange noises outside on our patio. Most of the time we would discard these as neighborhood cats or possibly possums. One night, however, we were sitting watching television when I heard a scratching noise out on the back patio. We keep our large sliding glass door open for the breeze, but if there is an animal outside, I certainly don't want it in our house. So I asked my husband to check it out. He went to the door, and there was still a scratching noise for a few moments more, with nothing in sight. When he got closer to the source of the noise it stopped. That was one of the first instances. We also have a two-year-old daughter. We keep most of her toys readily available on the back patio for her. My husband was standing in the doorway of the sliding door, and all of a sudden one of her large toy balls started to roll in a straight line! It proceeded to make a distinct 90-degree turn and continued rolling until it had made the shape of an L. We both walked outside, and there was certainly no breeze; the air was completely still. Some of our daughters' other toys have done some peculiar things too. She has one toy that goes off when you move it. Most of the time we keep it on a shelf, and very often when we are just sitting in the living room, it goes off by itself. I have always thought that possibly the batteries were low on juice making the toy go a little "wacky," but the batteries were new. On another occasion, my husband was home alone working on the computer when suddenly our daughter's electronic keyboard turned itself on and started to play a few notes. When I arrived back home that night, I had never before seen my husband so stricken with fright. I knew he could never have made that up. We don't know if our house is haunted or not. I have always believed that my grandfather is my guardian angel. Could he be sending me a message? The shape of the L that the ball made might be a sign. My grandfather's name did begin with an L. Just the other night, our neighbor across the street told us a story that made our skin crawl. She said that before my husband's family moved into our home, a man held his wife and children hostage on Christmas Eve many years ago. It was a long, intense standoff, ending with the release of his wife and kids - and his suicide. This is something I will have to investigate further to find out if my source is correct, but it could be another reason for all of these strange happenings.
the devil can play tricks on you too.
I remember it was a long time ago. On a very cold winter night it
was snowing.My dad was a truck driver, driving away to work
he had to drive across a bridge. The roads were slick and icy. and
he was driving way to fast on top of the fact the roads were icy
almost drove of the bridge but a ghostly hand stopped him and turned
him away. A male voice rumbled from the sky "SLOW DOWN, I CANT HELP
YOU ANYMORE!" From that day on my dad never sped again.
One day I went to my aunts house because my grandma had just
died. My aunt had took me into the room to tell me that she had seen
my Grandma couple days after she died and she was sitting on her old rocking chair that my Grandpa made for her. My aunt told me not to tell anyone else because people would think that she was crazy. She only told me because I truly believed in ghosts. Then when my aunt went outside of the room the lights went out and so I was looking for a flash light. Then I saw this white figure appear in front of me and it was my grandma sitting on her old rocking chair and she smiled at me then she disappeared. And I never saw her again.
my sisters Dog age five name Bandit got sick three months prior and he was at the Emergency Vet for the second time for dehydration and awaiting the Specialist to do a mylogram on his spine.I have the sister dog (Pekinese mix) name Scarlette. Anyway I woke up in the middle of the night and sat up in my bed. I saw a young girl coming towards me in a ball of light with a white gown on and she had dark hair. She radiated in bright light. She smiled and it looked as if she headed somewhere, I tried to talk to her and she turned suddenly and disappeared through the wall behind me. I called my sister into my room to tell her. Two days later Bandit passed away from the reaction to the Mylogram. He had a disease with no cure and would have died anyways and we were devastated. A few weeks later, my sister had a out of body dream and he came to her in her room, she said she sat up and he was laying across her leg and starring at her. She said he was young again and walked over to a white bowl and wagged his tail, she got to say goodbye to him. She said she woke up sitting up and my dog was laying on her back beside her and she knew it was real because my dog was laying in the dream the same exact way. She said it gave her closure. A few months later we decided to adopt a dog from a shelter for Scarlette, she was so lonely and missing her brother. I prayed on the way home that night if God would let me know it was ok by Bandit, we felt so guilty getting another dog. That next morning, my dog let out a weird bark, and was staring at my sliding glass door, I looked and saw a black and white animal walk by real quick. I realized it was Bandit and we both saw him. He was letting me know it was ok. Me and my sister really haven't experienced paranormal before but we both knew it was God comforting us because of the love and bond we have with our dogs. Its been almost a year now and we still miss him so much and know he is watching over us.
I had gotten up one morning very early, I just could not sleep...to much on my mind. So I got into my car and drove to my church to pray in the chapel.The sun wasn't even up yet! Anyway, as I prayed, I
closed my eyes for a few minutes. later, I heard a sort of shuffling sound. When I opened my eyes, I saw a woman crying and muttering the words "Help me..." Needless to say that send chills up and down my spine. I finally was able to ask her why she was crying and if I could help her, she banished. At times at my church when I'm there, I see shadow people, and once in a while I have an encounter with a spirit. You just never know what awaits you. I never did see her again.
About two years ago, my brother and I were coming back from a latenight miniature golfing. The time was 11:30 when we were on the last stretch of road before our neighborhood. As we drove we saw a
slowly walking figure cross the street. It looked like a female
because it's hair (I'm assuming) draped over the head. It wore a
purely white robe that trailed it but revealed the feet. We
approached it going about 30 miles per hour. We absolutely did not
see it come from the right side of the road to begin with. It just
seemed to start at the middle of the two lane road. When we got to
it, it passed us by, honest to God --------- < That length away from the
left side of the bumper. It was so close. I glanced at the driver's
window and only saw it's back. It gives me chills as I write this.
We slowed to 20 miles per hour and looked back. It looked BACK AT
US. My arm went nearly numb with fear. It was my first supernatural
experience. The strange thing is that there is an old rugged
looking house sort of in a straight line path from where it was walking. This part of the road has a lot of trees and blocks out
moonlight, so it's white glow was even creepier. That was the
freakiest moment in my life.
There was my aunt who lived alone in her home along an old country road.
One night, there was a terrible storm raging outside and she was awakened by the phone ringing....
"Hello?" She said into the reciever.But all she heard was static on the line, and so quickly hung up.
The next night, the same thing happened, the phone rang, and again she said hello only to hear static on the other end of the line. But, before she could hang up, she swore she heard a faint, "Hello?"
By the third night, she grew tired of the calls, and the next morning called the phone company to see what was wrong with her line. They told her they'd check it out as soon as possible, for many lines were down because of the storm a few nights before.That night, again, the phone rang...
"Hello?" She said anoyingly into the reciever.
Unexpectedly, a voice answered her just barely over the static....
"Hello-Wife, is that you?"
Shocked, she quickly hung up and took the phone off the hook.
The next day, she noticed a phone crew working on her line.
"I am glad you finally came! I have been receiving the worst of prank calls!"The two men looked at eachother in amazement, and then turned to the lady saying,"But, that's Impossible! This line was cut off by the storm, and lying in the cemetery. We are just now fixing it back up for you...."
She complained that couldn't be right, for she was getting phone calls every night. The men just stared at her, as so she gave up, and decided to get in her car and see for herself.
She followed the telephone line, which did indeed lead straight through the cemetery. Wating to see just exactly where it went, she parked her car and followed on by foot.As she went across the cemetery, she stoped, and almost fainted at what she saw.
The telephone line, ran right over, her dead Husbands grave! Could it have really been him, trying to contact her? Isn't that spooky? Can this really been happening? I'm confused by all this.
Sometimes I hear the voice of my Grandfather in my head giving me advice and sometimes he visits my dreams. I loved him and I know he loves me.
I have always believed that there is no such thing as "death" and that what we call "death" is merely an illusion. We are never separate from God and He loves us all. Even though I never recieved an email from a deceased one, I think that is a strong possibly, why not? Who are we to say it is impossible? They have encounters in every way with us, most of us don't realize it, or just choose to ignore it cause we don't understand what's going on. Tell Jenny to keep her computer and the experience! What a wonderful happening! And this "think piece" intrigue's me! How interesting.
I an anxiously waiting for the next one!
A few days ago, I was driving past the house of a dear friend that died less than 2 years ago.
I missed her so much, and just could not hold back the tears.
I cried all the way home!
Last night, I had a dream in which I was crying (but, do not know what I was crying about)
Then, someome was wiping my tears away.
It was my friend, Jenny.
I could see her smiling at me, but she did not say anything.
I woke up feeling so very comforted
Hey Jenny,
I do not deny that the brain does fire off neurotransmitting thingamibobs and compiling all the information that the brain receives, I like to think that the human body is very capable of doing extraordinary things, including receiving messages from beyond the grave.
On the other hand it could be the fact that you're thinking about your Friend so much that it simply carries on into your dream state, with all the funkiness that can happen in dreams.
On the imaginary third hand it could be your body or mind trying to tell you something and is using your Friend as a symbol for portraying that message.
I've had lots of dreams in my life. I'd like to think that some of them are something a bit more than random data filing in my brain.
Hello Jennie,
Your loved ones do not die. They go on. They are with you even when you can’t see, hear or feel them. It takes a great deal of energy to reach back to our density and try to show you that they are still here. Meet them halfway by raising your vibration. This is why they often come during dreams when you are vibrating at a higher frequency. Don’t discount it as fantasy when you have a dream that your deceased loved one is sitting by your bed talking to you and reassuring you that they are okay on the other side. If there is one thing they want us to know it’s that death is only the beginning of a journey, a shedding of the physical shell, a transformation. Do not be afraid for them. Remember them because it connects you both. Talk to them, because they do hear you. Send them your love because they do feel it. The dead do speak. Are you listening?
When a spirit is present it will take energy from anything around it including cell phones, cameras and even out of the air, so Virgil, tell your friend Jenny to hang on to her computer, who knows what is comung next!It could be a phone message to her cell phone...
"Hi Jenny, do you miss me?"
By all means let's be open-minded,
but not so open-minded that our brains fall out.
I used to think that the brain was the most wonderful organ in my body. Then I remembered who was telling me this.
Well Jenny my friend, I'd be getting a new computer like now!
I have a hard time with some of this stuff. I think when your dead your dead! Who in thier right mind, OOPS!(BRAIN DEAD) I was told that they have no recollection of what took place when they were alive. So.......they do what? type a letter to a friend?and send her an email? really? I have a beatiful bridge in the upper straights I'd like to sell you!
Nah, just rambling, it could be interesting if it is true. However, it would scare the hell out of me!
I like this Think Piece, fun to read.
While going through my old phone book I noticed my friends name. Sharon had died several months ago. I felt silly transferring the name to the new book, but I felt a little strange to just ignore it. I knew I was being a bit morbid, but something was telling me to dial that number. Maybe to know and hear that it didn't belong to my friend anymore,I thought it might bring some closure to me. I was having trouble dealing with the grief that was with me almost daily.
Much to my shock, Sharon answered.Taken aback, I stuttered the beginning of a conversation. In no time, we were talking like the old friends that we were.
The last several months were especially hard for me. In addition to losing Sharon, my fiancee left me, so I used the opportunity to pour my heart out to Sharon. In doing so, the bitterness and hurt I felt lifed from my soul.. Sharon then asked why I hadn't called in so long. "Why hasn't Jack Called?" Sharon cried. "He promised to always be there for me. Jack was the driver of the car that took Sharon's LIFE; He was driving her home after her bridal shower. The shower gifts were packed not only in the trunk but high in the back seat, blocking the back windows. They were to be married in just three short weeks...He has been in a deep coma since the accident and knows nothing about Sharon's death.
I was thrown off guard. How do you answer such a question. Sharon continued, "Why haven't you called all these long months? Why hasn't Jack called?" She lamented this over and over.
Not knowing what else to say, I gasped "BECAUSE YOU DIED." I heard no reply. All I heard was the DIAL TONE! My heart was pounding in my ears, as I hurriedly dialed the number again. "DOMINO'S PIZZA" announced the voice on the other end. Needless to say, this was my experience. It was shocking to me. I beieve all things are possible.
I live in the dowmriver community, and I'm enjoying reading all of you "THINL PIECES" they are interesting. Reading this think piece however, I feel Jenny needs to look for another computer. I find that to be mind boggling. I'm not saying it isn't true mind you, it is too off the wall for me. I have never had any type of experience with the deacesed, nor do I want to. Good Luck Jenny. By the way, how does Jenny handle all this? and also you?
I believe in the after life. I had an experience with a visit from my grandmother. At first I was scared, but she assured me that it was ok seeing her. I saw her in a human form, but she looked years younger. As a matter of fact, I ran across her picture when she was younger and by golly she looked the same as the picture, down to the cloths she had on. Talk about Freaky!! She came to visit me to tell me of my daughters illness. And it turned out to be so true. WE CAUGHT THE DESEASE in its early stages, thanks to her visit and thanks to God. My daughter if now healthy and free of her desease.
Thanks to you and everyone else for sharing your thoughts and/or experiences. Jenny was shocked at first, but believes that it was an authentic communication from Sally. Psychics claim that all these things are possible. As for me, I also believe it is authentic. I realize that the this can be scary and that you don't want to have such experiences. But read Maggie's experience of her grandmother appearing to tell her about her daughter's illness. Maybe it saved her life. I would want to know, even if it came from the other side.
Yes, I totally believe that the deceased love one can get in touch from the other side thru the internet, telephone, cell phone, thruogh a distinct order, touch. You bet! I believe that Jenny has had more then one encounter with this spirit. Has she fessed up to it yet? Tell Jenny she is blessed to have such a happening. Wow, what a marvelous experience! This intrigue's me to no end. Not too many of us are so fortunate with having such a wonderful experience.
Even though I have never experienced any of this, and only wished I did. Does Jennny want to sell her computer?
Hello Everyone, I think Jenny is telling the truth also. My brother whom passed away had contacted from the other sideonce. When we were kids growing up he would make prank calls to our mother and make jokes then hang up. Well one in a great while, I'm now in my 50's get such a call, he has the same voice and tells the same joke and hangs up. Now, I'm not in anyway making this up. So to everyone that has doubts...get a life, it is real! and different encounters do take place all of the time. They are just letting us know they are ok.
Reverend, I know this is at great lenght, but very true to what happened to me at different times.
Though my husband, Bill, and I met later in life, our love was as strong as if we'd shared a lifetime together. "Let's pack as much togetherness as we can into the time we have!" Bill would often say.
"I love you," I'd smile.
"I love you more," he'd respond. How he loved having the last word!
But then, too soon, a heart attack took him from me.
"I love you," I whispered, wishing I could hear his sweet response again, but knowing I never would. That night, I threw myself into cleaning to keep the grief at bay. Finally sleepy, I was going to bed when...
What's this? I picked something shiny from the floor: A piece of foil confetti friends had sent in a package months before.
I must have vacuumed a dozen times since. but somehow, that little foil message had popped up. And when I read what it said, I gasped, The words spelled, I love you!
You rascal, I thought, smiling through my tears. You got the last word after all. But that wasn't his last word...
A few days later, clearing his desk, another wave of sadness hit.
That's when I saw, glittering on the desk, another confetti: I love you! Sensing his presence, I thought, "I love you more."
Weeks passed and it got easier. But there were times...and one day, feeling particularly low, I saw something wink at me in the kitchen sink: another I love you. Stunned, I thought: this can't be a coincidence.
I knew it wasn't. But still my heart ached. So dreading being alone, I spent our anniversary with my daughter.
When I returned home, on the piano in our music room, I found another foil confetti. This one said: Happy anniversary!
Laughing and crying, I saved that message with the others - reminders of a wonderful man - and a love that will last forever!
When loved ones pass away, their sense of humor and personality stay with us. That's how we recognize the signs our loved ones send.
The angels say:"We are happy to bring you messages of love from Heaven to help you feel at peace."
How would you feel when you were driving in your car (and your the only one in the car) and you look to the right of you and there all of a sudden is someone sitting in the passengers seat? I almost hit a wall on the e-way. The person sitting there was my wife, just sitting there having her usual smoke. I will never ever forget the scared feeling that came over me.Even though she had not said a word to me, I was numb to the car seat, and then she was gone. She too looked years younger (like in the ol days)and I never seen her again for a few months, and then she appeared in my bathroom still not saying a wor to me.Reverend, do you think there is a reason for this happening? I'm confused.
Those who experience ghosts often describe more of a physical sensation or feeling of a prescence or change in the atmosphere...those who hear actual words are lonely and psychotic....personally, I think ghosts communicate to us through itchiness, like random jock itch...where and why? Out of nowhere! Must be Uncle George telling you to cut your gosh-dern hair again.
You want to know something Reverend Brewer, this is so wierd for me that such a think peace would be of this nature. I'm in the down river area and I too experienced the same happening. So I know this to be true to what happened to your friend Jenny.My email consisted of a different nature,my sister sent me a email telling me that I was to go see a doctor immediatley, that I was sick with breast cancer. Reverend, I don't believe in doctors, I think they are all crooks and are pushers of drugs and are dishonest. But let me tell you that I did pay attention to this message, and I'm very glad I did. They did find a lump and caught it early. IT has been 7 years since then and I'm cancer free, thanks to my sis. I thank God for this and my sister. I just had to tell you, this is so true, they do and can contact you even through the emails.
Thanks for sharing such an awesome happening! What a contrast between your "experience" and the preceeding "comment" from Anonymous! This think-piece has generated a lot of opposing extremes. Interesting ...
Yes Reverend Brewer, this is so true. But, I must admit... these opposing extremes is what makes us think! Aren't we glad to dissagree?
I enjoy reading your "Think Piece"
how interesting. Your comment from Jenny: the one whoes brain fell out! I got a kick out of that one, how creative is that? Your "Think Piece" is marvelous.
I can't believe all of these accounts. I mean I do believe them, of course...I wish would get an email from a deceased loved one...
I hear there is a service that you can set up to send your loved ones emails after you've died...
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