#26. Voting for Character in Politics?

Consider, for example, Hilliary Clinton spoke from her notes about landing in Bosnia and having to duck under sniper fire, as her life was in danger. In truth, nothing of the sort happened, so why tell such a lie, I asked? Her response to reporters was: "I say a lot of things -- millions of words a day -- so if I misspoke, that was just a misstatement." And shortly afterward, 623,294 people in Indiana voted to make her our next president. WOW!
Also consider that Barack Obama stated he had never heard those extreme kind of remarks from his pastor and mentor of 20 years, the man who had performed his marriage, baptized his children, and was like an uncle to him. Seems a little disingenuous to me. Obama stated: "I can no more disown (Jeremiah Wright) than I can disown the black community. I can no more disown him than I can my white grandmother".
Not long afterwards, he disowned his pastor of 20 years. Does this mean he will also be willing to disown the black community and his own grandmother? But shortly afterward, 647,734 people in Indiana voted to make him our next president. WOW!
So I asked myself the question, why were over one million people accepting of them ... anyway? Have we not learned anything from our 'recent history'. The lack of character and integrity did not seem to matter. They could have stayed at home and not voted. Why? The answer: We get what we ask for ! The politicians are a reflection of our group consciousness. What do you say ???
Obama Barack's "former pastor", Jeremiah Wright,well... this guy is everywhere.
He's on the radio, He's making speeches, and Reverend Wright says "he'd rather just go home and retire, but the money Hillary is paying him is so good." LOL
We have been lied to for so long that I believe that most of America don't know any better. Some
like liers...lately as I see it... a lot of America is Braindead! How would anyone in thier right mind would want to put such individuals in the "WHITE HOUSE" that "MIS-SPOKE" (LIED) AND THE OTHER SWEARS HE KNEW NOTHING THAT IS BEING SAID ABOUT REVEREND WRIGHT, his pastor of 20 years.
One lies and the other one swears to it! And we want them in the White House! Wake-up America! You know what I think Reverend? We are slow learners, our country is a mess! We trust too much.
As for me...well,if she's runnin...my vote will be for "Maxine" the cartoon character, at least she's forth`right
Bill Clinton lashed out at Barack Obama yesterday, he accused him of running a fairy tale campaign. It's a fairy tale in which a horny king tries to get his queen elected to the White House so he can go out and fornicate with maidens, and then a handsome black prince comes along and screws the whole thing up for him.
So, you can see why he's very upset. I agree,our country is screwed up! I too will vote for Maxine! You go Savvy!
Take a deep deep breath folks, Hillary is in, she's our next predident.Can you ever imagine Hillary being president of the United States of America, Billy boy first man, and Obama vice predident?
Well, who ever said that God doesn't have a sense of humor!
While President Bush was out of town Hillary Clinton stopped by the White House on Friday for an important meeting with her decorator.
Believe me when I say...I will not vote for niether one. America needs prayer.
Another interesting think piece.
I'm not sure if an honest, outspoken person could win a presidential election in our country the way it is now. Would an honest person even want to run for president?
I will think long and hard before I vote for anyone, they all lie, America don't know what truth is.
John McCain said, "Americans don't hate the rich. They want to be like them". That's how the Republicans operate - by telling the average working chump that if they support Republican policy they too will enjoy great prosperity.
Oh, yeah. That voting Republican thing really worked well, didn't it? Their promise of "you can share in the wealth" with the caveat of "just vote for us and do what we say without question" paid off - for the wealthiest Americans and corporations. The poor working chump fell for the lie more than once and got the shaft as usual.
Wealthy people don't want to share; it's against their nature. Rather they live to gain as much wealth as possible and they really don't care if someone's “grandmother freezes in the dark” (to quote an Enron minion) if they can find a way to take her last cent to throw on their huge pile. Corporations don't care about their worker drones. All they care about is profit at anyone's expense below the standard top three at their helms. Corporations get “attractively profitable" to investors by finding ways to squeeze every cent out of workers. No more living wages, medical insurance, pensions nor anything else that workers once enjoyed. Those who complain can watch as their job is outsourced to some third-world toilet and the company for which they once worked is rewarded for it with a tax break. And, should a CEO run a company into the ground, they are rewarded for it with millions of dollars over and above their salaries of countless millions when they leave.
The only welfare programs that this administration and the Republican Party believe in is for the wealthy and corporations. If that weren't the case, they wouldn't allow them to run wild for more riches with their "creative" mortgage products that preyed on the American Dream and created a new generation of homeless or selling out the American worker to cheap labor illegally pouring over the border or shipping good jobs overseas to the detriment of the American worker while rewarding such treason with tax incentives.
And let's not forget that little foray into Iraq with no justification under the orders of the draft-evader-in-chief. All that that has done is make the Blackwaters, Halliburton’s and other corporations that are buddy-buddy with the administration richer as it siphons trillions of dollars from programs to help those most in need at home, allowing our infrastructure to crumble and creating a deficit of unimaginable proportions that our kids will have to pay off. Also keep in mind that the 4,000 American lives lost there and the new generation of disabled veterans coming home from “The War on Terror”, from which there was none until we invaded, are the children of what's left of the middle and working class America. There's lots of money for Bush’s war but next to nothing for the broken veterans it created. Of course when the economy is on the skids who needs a draft? The employment picture is so bleak that military service seems the only viable option – especially with fat bonuses for signing up for combat specialties.
Every day the ranks of the American have- nots grows thanks to this administration and its enablers. Those ranks are turning into an angry mob that will get its revenge come the November elections. Count this angry veteran of twenty-two years among the vengeful.
We haven't learned much, can't you tell?
We had growth in our economy in the pass 7 years-ALL ON CREDIT.
Sorry to see our economy fall, but glad it fell during Bush's administration, rather than after the Democrats take control in 2008.
The numbers don't lie- America is mad and that is good. Maybe, in the next elections people will study the facts before voting and we will send some better people to Washington.
I do believe the smirk on Bush's face has been replaced with wrinkles.
What does it say about the state of our country when you have two presidential candidates unworthy of being even the president of a dog pound ! With all the problems our country is facing loss of jobs, loss of homes, loss of businesses, high fuel cost, high food cost and inflation taking away the value of our money!
How can any right thinking person vote for either one of these clowns!
Lets take OBAMA HUSSEIN, he is so slick that he is slimy, very much like former impeached president Bully Bill! To think he spent 20 years listening to that hateful, racist Wright and he has the arrogance and gall to stand there and say he never heard any of this!! Now the facts are changing because it is totally a lie, and he is trying to play the race card! His ability to pass a lot of wind, and make it not smell, is his only credential to be the president of a dog pound ( podcast this!).
Now we look at HILLARY RODHAM, she is an apple cheek socialist, rotten to the core! Again she is caught in a lie she has told many times about flying into a country under gun fire! Today we know she and her daughter were greeted with fanfare not bullets! What kind a person lies like that? You have got to be lost with headphones on listening, to your favorite audio book or itunes to shut out the real world! Otherwise how can anyone even consider voting for this pathological liar!
The American people have been betrayed so many times by our politicans, it is a miracle our country hasn't fallen down, like so many other countrys! The only reason is the spirit of our people! GOD BLESS THEM!
Lets look at Obama's circle of friends an support:
1.William Ayers: Weatherman, underground bomber,unrepentantdomestic terrorist.
2.Frank Davis: Member of the commusnist party USA.
3.Jeremiah Wright: Black Liberation Militant, Racist, pastor.
4.Tony R ezko: Corrupt Financier,
ties to terror financing.
5.LOUIS FARRAKHAN: Nation of Islam Leader,Racist, Anti American.
6. Raul Castro: Communist, Leader of Cuba.
7. Hamas Terrorist Organzation:
Oslamic Terrorit Organzation.
And the list goes on.
They all hate America, they all want to destroy America as we have traditionally known it, they all want the United States to retreat in the war, and they all want to make over the United States into a marxist/socialist/collective nation that is much more disposed toward and condusive to their own ideological goals.
...and, yes, oh by the way, they all support, endorse, and/or are well disposed (either friends and mentors and advisors...or very fond of) towards BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA. Democratic candidate for President of the United States.
Along with Obama's own core ideology/theology, which dove tails with all of these individuals and groups, this says all you need to know about the man. You can and should judge a man (or woman for that matter) by the company they keep. Perhaps this explains Obama's actions in not saluting the US Flag during the National Anthem, and his refusal to wear a US flag pin on his lapel, calling it "false" patriotism.
To all the above:
Sigh....you are so right.
God forgive me.....but maybe our only hope is that McCain gets a young, committed conservative to be his VP....and in a couple of months, before he can do much damage, McCain's age along with old maladies will catch up with him and the Lord takes him home.
I can't see any other short term salvation from socialism for the U.S. other than a "knight on a white horse" comes riding in.....and the welfare class somehow forgets what day we are voting....
....sigh....we are so screwed!!
Hi I'm Joanie.
Barack Obama rubs elbows and breaks bread with all kinds of people who have no use for the genuine foundations upon which our republic was built. Many of them despise the vision of our Founders.
His friends and associates run the gamut from black power advocates who believe that America ‘deserved’ the events of 9/11 … to conspirators who played a role in the bombing of the Capitol and the Pentagon back in the 70s … to far left elitists who believe in Marxist doctrine, despise individualism, and consider it their calling to dictate to the rest of us how we should live.
I heard Obama last night, attempting to appear magnanimous, stating that he does not believe that race will play a part in this election. He said (almost verbatim, as I can recall it), ‘If I lose, it will be because I failed to get my message out.’
Why is it that racism, to such narrow-minded, agenda-driven men, is only defined in terms of white-against-black?
Was it not a form of ‘racism’ when ninety percent of black voters voted for a fellow black in the recent Pennsylvania democrat primary?
As for the senator’s belief that, if he loses, it will be the result of his ‘not getting his message out’ … I would prefer to believe that, if he wins, it will be the result of his message being so cleverly disguised so as to appeal to a sufficiently large number of useful idiots to put an inexperienced, anti-American, globalist agenda-driven, Marxist, black power advocate in the White House.
… after which we can all expect to experience many nightmares, perhaps the three most devastating of which will be:
1 international law incrementally declaring the U.S. Constitution null and void,
2 ‘racism’ taking on an entirely new dimension, as accepted political rhetoric, ‘academic’ studies, and media attention begin to focus in an historically unprecedented way on the ‘sins’ of the white man and the ‘deservedness’ of the black man,
3 individual and corporate success being stifled by a new dedication to Marxist/socialist doctrine, and capitalist foundations being gradually eroded by collective action and collective organizations.
Obama’s rise to prominence illustrates the ignorance of so much of the electorate. I refuse to believe that he has become a presidential front-runner because those who support him agree with his ideology. America hasn’t fallen so far that nearly half of the electorate is willing to passionately support black liberation theology, the globalist agenda, and Marxist doctrine.
Our population is changing dramatically, what with the ‘dumbing down’ of each future generation by the left-leaning nature of what is taught in the public schools, and the large influx of illegal immigrants who don’t care to know our history and bear little or no allegiance to our founding ideas. But, despite those two terribly negative influences on our population’s allegiance to our republic's foundations, I cannot believe that we have reached a point where so many of the electorate actually share, or support, Barack Obama’s ideology.
If that is not the case, the only other viable explanation for his popularity is that the huge majority of his supporters have no clue about what lies beneath the surface of this dangerous man. Which provides even more compelling evidence that the consistent ‘Get out the vote!’ campaigns actually serve something of a negative purpose. Those who walk into the voting booth completely unaware of the ideology of those for whom they vote would do our republic a favor by staying home.
We may not like Hillary, however...look what might be put in the White House.O.M.G. we are so screwed (Obama)! I'M sick at heart. What is happening to the American people? I'd rather have Micky mouse run this country, he would do a much better job and we'd be alot safer. Imagine a Musslum in the white house...we are soooo screwed.
Actually, it really doesn't matter one way or the other if he is elected. The enemy has been inside the gate for generations.
One thing if Obama is elected...state dinners will all consist of Fried Chicken, Watermelon and ripple (served in individual paper bags).
Serious note...we got to get up off our collective asses and, regardless who we are for---Paul, McCain, Edwards, Richardson (yes, he has Mexican ties but still he's the lesser of the evils), or whoever---work for them, support them, do whatever we can to make sure Clinton, Obama or Jew-liana (I like that) is not win.
Besides, I have a feeling (and God knows I am not advocating it) if Obama is elected president or VP, he will most likely be assasinated, possibly before taking office. No slur intended here (for a change), just a simple prediction. I am against it, because why give them any more martyrs?
after the Comedy Central roast of Barack Obama on Fox News a few days ago, I doubt he's going to get far ("his pastor is my hero"). I don't even know what the Democrats were thinking electing these two idiots. George Bush is a tyrant, and everyone knows it, they could've beat the Republican party with your typical garden-variety liberal tool after the damage he has done to this country. Maybe they thought this would be the only chance they would have to elect a neo-Communist World Federalist or a homosexual con-artist African.
As for getting what we ask for,
yep, it's commin, America is not thinking straight, and that's nothing new is it?America can't handle honesty. We have been lied to over and over again to the point we don't know any better any more. America is hard up, to think OBAMA in the White House! Micky and Minnie Mouse would be a better candidate.
If Obama gets elected,
Isreal and NAACP will be fighting for who gets the most favors. The cabinet will be made up of these people:Congressman Jesse L. Jackson, Jr., Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, Sr., Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan and Oprahs elected.
God Help Us.
I realize I am taking the not so popular stand in this discussion, but I have to admit that I like Obama, probably because he reminds me of JFK. I like Hillary too, but I think most Americans are afraid of a strong, intelligent woman. I like either one of them over any Republican that is running. Yes, the possibility that Obama is a Muslim makes me a little concerned, but I don't think he can do anything to threaten women's rights at this stage. Didn't traditional conservative Americans once fear that JFK would be a puppet for the pope?
Hi Meadowlark,
I am not comfortable with the idea that Obama might get into the Whitehouse. The man wears to many collors, I can't honestly say that I could trust him I don't want another republican either, but one has to admit, it's a much safer and better choice. Sure a lot of us are against the war however, you'll find out that even if Obama gets in he won't be able to do much about the war. We are in too deep now, if we pull our troops out now, holy hell will break loose once more. We are in for a long hall sorry to say.
I don't see Republicans or war as a safer choice. It is never too late to change course. pick a new direction and go that way - it doesn't matter if you are talking about a boat or politics. There might be a few 'splashes' but it can all work out. For example all we need is a new source of energy and the major problems of our economy would be solved. An added side benefit is that the extra disposable money that funds terrorism would dry up. So why aren't we putting a lot more effort into finding that great new idea? It's time to look at things differently and I think Obama or Hillary will,
You know Virgil, I find that American people are willing to settle for anything. We lost our integrity, our belief system, we are willing to put the Devil in the white house. To think of Obama in the white house is insane. He's anti American, he won't salute our flag, he's a bigot, and a liar. Wake up America and smell the coffee. Than watch the tv talk shows, or Cnn news, listen to how they compare Obama and his wife with John F. Kennedy and his wife Jackie. This makes me sick at the stomach. How dare they insult this family who loved this Country. I myself am very saddened, and find this to be embarrassing. As for me...I will not vote...I refuse to be part of this Charade.
Comments seem to have died down on this issue, but a friend just sent me a link to a you tube video about voting. Check it out. Go to youtube.com and type in
I'm voting republican in the search window.
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