#27. Just How Unique Is Your Name?

WOW! Was I surprised (actually shocked) to find that 32 people in the U.S. have both the first and last name I was born with -- Virgil Brewer!
To discover how many people in the United States have your first-name, last-name, and full-name, go to: http://ww2.howmanyofme.com/search/
Then come back and let me know what you have discovered. Do you have an unusual story to share about your name? Let me hear from you -- uh, what did you say your name is?
Labels: Identity; Names; Uniqueness
Golly, what a beautiful day today, on this July 4th with blue skies and brilliant sunshine, And as I get ready for my walk to my usual favorite place...I wonder...how many individuals are named Snooper! Oh, in case I forget...I went on my Dad's computer and looked up my name on http://ww2.howmanyofme.com/search/
O.M.G.! there were 1,523 with my givin name, and only one SNOOPER BREWER IN ALL OF THE U.S OF A. Imagine that! That's Me!!!!
My friends envy me `cause my name became popular on T.V. back in 1959 as a Cartoon Chacacter, "Snooper and Blabber Detectives". The goodlooking one with the trench coat and the deerstalker hat (that's me) with my sidekick Blabbermouse. We even made it in the comic strip magazine. Now...how great is that!
Thank's Dad for my name.
"These ae just the facts ma`am"
"They call me the Snooper Cat"
Hi Reverend from America, this is Ol`ya from Pi`la Poland. I like this question, so I look up my name in America and see 106,578 people have my first name, and 335 have last name.This is good no? In Poland my name mean I am prosperous. I come to live in America soon so I see you and snooper cat maybe before cold weather starts. I'm waiting for Visa, it take so long. Maybe I come stay with you for visit no?
Bye from Pi`la. Ol`ya
My name is Anastasia Stewert.
I looked up my name and to my surprise there aer 15,227 with my givin name. I have always been called Anna for short. Although I must admit, I dislike my name because it reminds me of a strip dancer I once met, and I really was teased alot while growing up.
My name is Nahada Shellenger. One may think that my name is unique, however when I did my search, to my surprise, thee were over 1500 people with the same first name. I am a female born in Republic of South Africa in Tswana. I was adopted by an American family when I was 12 years of age and brought to America. I hope one day soon I will be able to visit my home land.
My name is Batyah, and when I looked up my name I discovered that there is only one person which is me most likely. My name is very unique and I am Hebrew. My name means "Daughter of God"
I'm polish and live in the downriver area. My givin name is Malgorzata, which in american stands for Margret and in Poland my name stands for "Pearl". I did a search on my name and only found one with my name. I do not like my name and would never give anything or anyone my name. I was teased a lot in school.
its funny because even though my first name isn't in the database lol I know Yonne is a river in France. sometimes I think its crazy how weird and coincidental things are. especially since my grandma named me, and how her, my mother and me are all the same sign, Pisces. my birth wasn't planned either, I had a brother coming before me but my mom had a miscarrage and she ended up getting pregnant a month or so later with me lol
Hey Virgil, OMG! I can't believe this! I also have the same name as you. On my birth certificate it reads Virgilio Massimo Giovani. I am Italian, and you are what nationality? My family and friends call me Virgil, my girlfriends call me Virg.
When I was born my givin name is Agnesina,my school chums call me Aggie. I like my American name, it is easier to pronounce don't you think?
Hi Virgilio,
Congratulations on having such a special name! And thanks for sharing your name with all of us. I was born in the rolling hills of the Dayton/Cincinnati area of Ohio, so I guess that makes me a "hillbilly".
My name is Dave Brewer from Cincinnati and I am Virgil's nephew. I think he has a very unique name but was surprised to find out that several other people had the exact same name. I found that there are 1515 other guys with my name. I guess I must be everywhere!!!
Hi There Dave From Cincinnati,
My name is Daniell Brewer and I'm from Akron. Maybe we are related...you think? A lot of people have my first and last name, I guess we are common folks huh? Virgil is a unigue name, and you say your everywhere...hmm... your not with me! Daniell
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