#29. Where's Our Economy Heading?

In today's evolving (or devolving) capitalistic society, service has been replaced by "greed". My dictionary defines greed as "a rapacious desire for more than one needs or deserves, as of food, wealth, or power". Regardless of the financial success of huge corporations, it's not enough. No one seems to have enough ... of anything. Never enough money; never enough power; never enough toys; never enough time; never enough happiness.
When we are of service to others, the energy is flowing outward from our heart center to the world around us. And the more we give, the more our cup runs over. However, the consciousness of greed pulls the energy forcefully from "out there" . . . inwardly. Yet, leaving us feeling more and more empty inside.
What a paradox! So what are your thoughts about life in the 00's ?
Congress MUST IMMEDIATELY demand the resignations of Bush, Cheney, Paulson, Bernanke at once or prosecute them for high crimes and misdemeanors; reject Paulson/Bush bail out plan without debate; repeal Gramm-Leach-Bliley of 1999 and reinstate Glass-Steagall of 1939; stop all war funding; immediately start troop withdrawals from Iraq and Afghanistan; cease all meddling in Iran, Pakistan and North Korea; let the dam "free marker" capitalism system fail as it should have failed a near century ago, THEN AND CHISEL THIS ONE IN MARBLE...RUN THE DAM REPUBLICANS INTO THE POLLUTED WATERS OFF THE NEW JERSEY COASTLINE AND LET THE SHARKS FEED ON THEM! After that, to hell with Obama and McCain, let's elect a Congress that will do and stand for something and let us ride roughshod over and kick the hell out of any that do not understand governance of, by and for the people! WWIII is at hand and the first shots must be fired at home.
You know Virgil as I see it on Friday, we heard the banking bailout was only a mere $180 billion - such a bargain!
But then, this purported bailout suddenly became $700 billion - well, that sounds a bit more serious, but what the heck, what's a few hundred billion dollars among friends, right?
But then, today, we're starting to hear numbers like 1.2 trillion, maybe 1.8 trillion dollars???
Well, hey, when you start talking trillions, now you're talking serious money, maybe?
No doubt you may have an additional opinion or two . . . but at this point, I don't think anyone knows what the world is really going on, and that is my honest opinion.
Or, to put it another way,
Bend over everyone - incoming, deep and hard.
Most ordinary folks with a pulse and an IQ above that of a bacteria knew that the excrement was about to hit the fan . . . but even I have to admit, this is beyond deep doodoo we're now in.
It's heading down the toilet Virgil. Too much gread, no compassion for the middle class people that are the bread and butter on our tables. There is a lesson to be learned here and it will be one hell of a reality check. We been asking for this slap in the face for a long time and it is comming folks. And only then will we realize just how foolish and self centered we've become. I am frightened deeply about Obama if he were to get elected, and we certainly don't need another 4 years with a republican. Oh, what a mess!
I pray to God to help us to think more clearly and to love one another everyay and to be more forgiving. We lost a lot of that you know.This is why we are in this delemma we are in.
We have choices that we make, rather right or wrong, we all make choices in our life. Through all our greed and like you say "we never have enough of anything" Well, there is a lesson to be learned from all this greed and hatred and God is in the background just waiting to embrace us with his lesson. He's our "Daddy" AND THIS TIME HE WONT ASK US TO GO AND PICK OUT A SWITCH FROM THE TREE OUT BACK FOR OUR WHIPPING, HE ALREADY HAS HIS OWN,
and when he is through with his lesson, he can only hope that we all come to realze just how ugly we've become with our greed and hatred. The only good from all of this will be to love ourselves and others,we need to unite, just be there and love freely. We just don't realize that there is so much out there for everyone, that there is no need to have more.
I have little and have no need for more, I'm happy for what God has given me.
Thanks for your comments. Thought there might be more, but then, this think-piece is presented from a much wider (half a century) perspective than our present October, 2008 situation. Hope it has provided food for thought about the world in which we live.
Thank You for thanking us! And it has provided a lot of "Food For Thought" Virgil. Really Virgil, the4 comments said it all to how most of us feel, so why repeat what was said, you have a good think piece.
Hey Friends of Unity:
You are so right! But, what a downer comming this month...election time, Yikes! This country will be in deep do do. There is no lesser of two evils here!God help us.
Life for me in the 00's will be full of gratitude, love, I will prosper, I will grow, I will forgive, I will climb the highest mountian and sit on the highest peak and thank God everyday for you and for bringing my other special friends into my life. And so it is.
This is an old Blog yet one that needs to be continued, I believe. This New Year has brought the continuance of a downward spiral for this countries economy and as a result the worlds. We all need to take a hard look at that which has caused this occurrence. We have all participated either directly by our greed or indirectly by our complacency and tolerance. Many have spoken of a “me generation” during the last 45 years. A generation of self serving, self congratulating, self indulging seekers of more for self at the expense of others, dog eat dog as they say, yet few have done more than wag a finger at it.
Jesus brought us good news. A simple approach to life based on the law of Love. A complete Love for God and a Love for our neighbors as we Love ourselves. A perfect law that can determine the correct course of action in any situation. This Law has been cast aside by the majority in favor of laws designed to take the responsibility for our individual actions and place it outside ourselves on the shoulders of law makers. Regardless of the consequences if ones actions are “legal” then many perceive that they are living there lives correctly. As a result we have the current condition of society, the environment and the economy that is creating loss for the many and gain for the few.
Now is the time for all of us with “eyes that see and ears that hear” to step forward to light up the world with the light of Love. We need to preach it, teach it, pray for it, give it, live by it to the extent that it cannot be ignored or discounted as folly. Let us join together reaching out to each other regardless of the judgments of flesh and give forward the gift of active Love.
If each day we can bring to one person the understanding of Love and how by giving out of Love we can care for the needs of all and as a result our own needs then one by one we can bring this world into a new generation, one like never before. Believe and it will be so. Amen
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