Have you ever wondered why companies pay millions of dollars to purchase TV ads? I have! But it never made any sense to me -- unless, of course, commericals do effectively influence large masses of people to purchase their product. And the bottom line is -- they work! I am perplexed about this because I almost never respond to a commercial, thinking, "I'm gonna go out and buy that brand of soap!" Obviously, millions of people not only think it, but they go out and buy that slippery stuff.
Could it be that there are two types of people: 1) those who are rather easily swayed by something or someone outside of themselves, and 2) those who are not. What do you think? Which category do you fall into? Or, is there a third category of people?
One other thing, do you think that slippery stuff could improve my social life? Just wondering . . .
Labels: imagination; influence; suggestion; hypnosis
I don't watch TV at all anymore so I don't see a lot of commercials. But I have a feeling that they are more subtle than we might realize. Perhaps you don't say immediately that you will rush out and buy the product. But when you are in the store and notice the same brand, colors or image perhaps you may be more drawn to it than to the other choices. Also over the years one may come to accept the need for a certain product that is advertised often even if you did not feel that need in the beginning. Just a few thoughts. I think it is a very subtle and sophisticated psychology.
Rose, thanks for sharing. I'm certain you are correct.
Hey Virgil,
We all can use a little slippery stuff once in a while!
Television advertisements, like other forms of advertising, are repetitive hypnotic suggestions. TV ads are so effective because they take advantage of the trance state that viewers enter while watching the programing. You may not purchase the particular brand of slippery stuff that a commercial promotes, but you've probably heard of Coke and Pepsi-two of the biggest, most-successful advertisers in the world. Eldon Taylor's book "Mind Programing" offers additional information about hypnotic advertising. Perhaps you'd enjoy reading that.
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