#41. Christy, the Office Receptionist

Some Christians believe that Christianity is the only true religion. As proof, they quote Jesus saying, "I am the way … no one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6 ISV). In other words, Jesus is the only way to God and therefore, the only way to get into heaven when a person dies.
So how could Jesus Christ be the only way to the Father? Maybe Jesus is his Father's body-guard. NO! NO! NO! he didn’t even carry a sword!
OK, then, maybe Jesus is the Father’s personal receptionist. Christ alone decides whether or not a person can enter his Father’s office (heaven).
Joseph prays to G*d. The phone is ringing: "Hello, this is Heaven's Prayer-line."
"Is this Yahweh's Kingdom?" Joe asks.
"Yes it is. My name is Christy. May I help you?"
"Yes, I am Joseph and I want to see Yahweh face to face."
"OK, but the only way is to go through me. Now your name is Joseph, and what is your religion?" "Jewish! I am one of His chosen people!"
"OK, you're scheduled in the calendar. See you when you die."
Mohammed prays to Allah. The phone is ringing: "Hello, this is Heaven's Prayer-line."
"Is this Allah's Kingdom?" Mohammed asks.
"Yes it is. My name is Christy. May I help you?"
"Yes, I am Mohammed and I want to meet with Allah about my virgins."
"OK, but the only way is to go through me. Now your name is Mohammed, and what is your religion?"
"Islam! You don't think I'm an infidel, do you!"
"OK, you're scheduled in the calendar. See you when you die."
Mary prays to Jesus. The phone is ringing: "Hello, this is Heaven's Prayer-line."
"Is this the Kingdom of God?" Mary asks.
"Yes it is. My name is Christy. May I help you?"
"Yes, I am Mary and I want to see my beloved Lord."
"OK, but the only way is to go through me. Now your name is Mary, and what is your religion?"
"Christian! And I'm born again!"
"OK, you're scheduled in the calendar. See you when you die."
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