#42. Does The Soul Survive Death?

I wonder how Jesus would answer these questions? If he has a computer, maybe he will let us know.
1. Do you believe there is no afterlife?
(ie: the soul dies when the body dies)
2. Do you believe in life after death ?
(ie: the soul lives on after the death of the body)
3. Do you believe in life before birth ?
(ie: the soul pre-existed before birth into a body)
4. Do you believe in Resurrection ?
(ie: the soul returns to life in the same body)
5. Do you believe in Reincarnation ?
(ie: the soul returns to life in a different body)
Hi Virg,
I believe in life before birth, life after death,and I believe in reincarnation. I have had many past lifes, and will have many more. My heart feels so close to Jesus for I have had a wonderful experience with Him. We live on forever, just in different times and space. OUR SOUL LIVES ON AFTER DEATH>
Hey there Savvy, you've been gone a long time! Welcome back!
I do-not believe in life after death. When it is my time to die I will be dead forever and I'm not comin back!
Greg Davis
Hi Greg,
I don't know you, but I remember you from a past life. You didn't believe in life after death back then either. Who are you now?
I'm the guy you dream of Savvy!
In my past life I was that handsome debonair Cricket that was playing in the blades of grass, and when that nasty big blue bird wanted me for dinner, you saved me you most beautiful female chirping
cricket from the rath of the blue jays beak. Now Savvy, I ask you...
do you remember that past life? We were an awesome pair. So Savvy, who are you now? Greg
Hi Greg,
I must say, you are clever with your answer! Hm... but I wonder... not only was I that BEAUTIFUL CHIRPING CRICKET that saved you from the rath of the Blue Birds Beak, I also was that gorgous, vivacious princes that kissed you on the lips and turned you into a handsome prince! Do you remember? Who am I now you asked? Well Greg, "I'm a living person in God's Universe Radiating in All Directions."
And when my journey is over in this life time, I will be back to serve God in the next life time and maybe... just maybe... walk next to Him... just maybe.
I believe in life after death, I think that I have had many past lives. My name is Trina Geyser and I was in your chatt room a few years back and I remember chatting with Savvy and another person, they were really nice people. I also liked "Give it a funny twist"
I never laughed so much!
I remember one of my past life, I was that Serpent in the "Garden Of Eden" and I enticed Eve into biting the Apple. So when God stumbled upon Adam & Eve in the Garden eating the forbiden fruit, Adam blamed Eve, Eve blamed the snake (me) and I didn't have a leg to stand on!
Hello Reverend Brewer,
I enjoy reading your think pieces and I enjoy reading the comments, they are entertaining and humorous. I take it that Savvy must be a true follower of yours that sure is great.
I to believe in past lives and life after death. I cannot say for sure that I have been in a past life, I don't have that feeling that I have. My name is Sharon and I'm sighning as anonymous cause it won't let me use my name. I do-not have a google account. Sharon
I don't believe in life after death. You would have to prove to me that it is so. To me that is tormenting to think I would see a dead family member.
Thanks for sharing. Proof is hard to come by. I find "near-death experiences" to be thought-provoking, to say the least. Many people have had psychic experiences of seeing apparitions or entities -- and that can be frightening. Do you have any thoughts regarding the purpose of life?
From my readings, I have gathered that as long as we continue to identify with a particular "me", we will continue to be "attached" to that persona between lives and in subsequent lives. My theory is that we learn to let go of our individual identities and become less dense as we do so, eventually letting go entirely of the individual identity, and returning to the Absolute Totality from which we originate. So yes, there is life before birth and after death, and your experience of it all depends on what you are identified with.
Close your eyes. You're still standing wherever you were when you had them open but now, the outside world doesn't exist and you are alone with your thoughts (this is your soul). Now, suppose, while you're standing there with your eyes closed and deep in thought, somebody comes up behind you and kills you.
Close your eyes. You're still standing wherever you were when you had them open but now, the outside world doesn't exist and you are alone with your thoughts (this is your soul). Now, suppose, while you're standing there with your eyes closed and deep in thought, somebody comes up behind you and kills you.
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