#45. Jesus Had a Sense of Humor

Jesus told Peter that one should forgive a friend -- not seven times -- but 70 times 7 (ie, 490 times). To his followers, he posed the following question: “With all your worrying, which of you can add 18 inches to your height?” To the religious leaders, Jesus stated, “You are so careful to polish the outside of the bowl, but the inside is foul with extortion and greed.” And that is just the beginning. There is much, much more in your Bible.
Lots of religious humor has been created about Jesus. Do you suppose he would be offended by it? I think not. Here is my own picture of Jesus returning to the earth, saying to his fellow-Christians:
“I said WHAT ???”
Here is one of my favorite jokes:
A Jewish Rabbi congratulated a newly ordained Catholic Priest. The former said to the Priest, "By the way, can you work your way up the ladder?" The priest stated that indeed some priests do become Bishops. “How about Bishops – can they advance?” continued the Rabbi. The priest was taken back, but added that a few can advance to become Archbishops. The Rabbi was relentless: “And beyond that?” The poor priest was shaking, but uttered that the Pope would be the highest honor. The Rabbi asked, “Is that all?”
The Priest blurted out defensively, “What in the world do you expect -- that the Pope could someday become God?
The Rabbi concluded, “Well, sure! One of our guys made it!”
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The Jesus I know has a great sense of humor. If Jesus walked along the sea of Galilee with the look of doom & gloom on his face you could not convinse me for a minute that all of those people would have folowed Him. I believe in my heart that the people found joy as I myself in his presence. The Jesus I know liked being around common folks, he went to their homes and partied with them. Jesus was a party animal. LOL. He liked his wine and knew how to have fun. Jesus enjoyed being around people that were happy and felt blessed.
Jesus was human, He's the one that gave us laughter.
I agree with you Savvy, some folks say Jesus never laughted because the bible does'nt mention laughter as something Jesus did.
Well, I say phooey, by this logic. We have to assume that Jesus never burped or urinated or sneezed! Jack
I wonder if some people get tripped up on the matter of Jesus and laughter because modern culture has a corrupted humor itself.
S I agree with Savvy that Jesus was human and fully divine, he must have a sense of humor.
My husband Cleo is sure that God was laughing when he created him.(And I agree!lol). He's short, bald, plump and look very much like the Notre Dame mascaotte. Give my husband a silly hat and put him in a fighting Irish stance... and there ya go! Now... tell me that God did'nt have a sense of humor!
P.S. I still love my husband as he is.
Yes, I believe he does have a good sense of humor! Oh Yeah! Who do you think created it?... he would think as a man with feelings and emotions of a man as is Jesus/Yahshua for those in that way.
In Literature there are many types of humor- it is not necesserily telling a joke. Previouss bloggers have mentioned some instances that would be considered "humor" in Lit. The bible is short and conscise- gives essentials-I think the things recored do indicate Christ had a well developed and wholesome, not inane or silly sense of humor.And GOD definitely used humor, eg zebras.
Hey all of you bloggers,Plainly, Jesus was not a stand up comedian while on earth. We are like Him in every way but sin and we have a sense of humor, so I ask you, why is it so odd for some people to think that Jesus had one too? Some of my Christians friends just find that to be deplorable! "To think that Jesus had a sense of humor, that he laughed and was full of Joy.
JESUS WAS A PARTY ANIMAL!!!!! I know, I partied with him!
If God created us in HIS image, I think humor would have to be included. While I think we have to be careful to not cross that line between humor and blaspheme, I still think LAUGHTER IS THE BEST MEDICINE in EVERY situation!
I posted a photo for everyone at
because I could not post it here. Matty from Germany
Moses & Jesus are golfing & arrives at a water hazard. Jesus pulls out a 9-iron. Moses says'hey, you really should be using a driver for this'. 'No way says Jesus, I saw Tiger Woods play this hole last week, he sunk it with a 9-iron. 'If Tiger Woods can do it, so can I do it'. Jesus tees up, swings...hits the ball which sail into the water.Moses says ' I'll get it...' He walks down to the water, parts it, grabs Jesus ball, walks back up & hands it to him. Jesus tees up again with his 9-iron.'Jesus don't you want to try the driver'? 'No says Jesus' Tiger Woods did this with his 9 so I can do it'! He hits the ball, which again sails into the water. ' I'll get it says Jesus'. He walks down the hill, walks across water, reaching up to his shoulder to fish around for his ball. The foursome behind Moses & Jesus has caught up & are standing there stund, pointing at Jesus on top of the water, one of them says 'who in the world does this guy think he is Jesus'? 'No says Moses, he thinks he's Tiger Woods'!
The Hebrews, after fleeing the Egyptians into the desert, complained of the monotony of God provisions... of manna, manna, day after day the same. They wanted meat. God sent them Qual, an answer to their prayers! Hellaluyah!. Qual, qual, qual...they were inundated with qual,they ate qual every meal, every day, until it made them sick! Do you believe God did this with a straight face? I'm sure he hasn't changed. Then and now,he teaches that ya better not try to play around with God. He wins every time.
I cannot brag enough on God. He has the best sense of humor of any person. You would be surprise at what I get away with. All he does is laugh. I sometimes even mock unbelievers ,He laughs. I even jokingly mock Him and He laughs, we have a great time together!
Yes he does. When I was on a trip with my family to Florida as a little kid, I remember I prayed to God the day we were getting ready to leave Florida that we would get to stay longer... well, our plane ended up waiting on the runway for two hours while the mechanics fixed somethin. Yeah, not exactly what I had in mind.
Yes, I also believe that our Lord does have a sense of humor. I asked my dad, a Baptist Pastor the same question and his reponse was.. "Son, go look in the mirror".
Absolutly, I say He has. Just read about Sarah and Abraham whom God blessed with Isaac. First He allowed Sarah to give her husband to father a child thru the slave Then He caused Sarah to tell Abraham to send Ishmal away with his mother...Wow
I know God has a sense of humor. Each morning when I look in the mirror...smudged mascara that leaves me looking like a raccoon, and hair loke Madusa! Not so funny to me, but I bet God gets a giggle!
I don't believe God laughs when He's mocked. Yes I understand that we all could have an intimate relationship with our Lord, we may have a wonderful conversation with Him. Yea, I'm sure He has a sense of humor, but, He is not a "buddy" to kid around with. He is Lord of Heaven & Earth, All Holiness & Rightous, The beginning & The End by who's Hand everything was created.
It's worth remmbering that...
pro 9:10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the Knowledge of the holy understanding.
The Pharisees prefered Dodge Vipers, and Paul was attached to one for a bit. Act28:3
Lighten-up Katherine, lifes too short.
Yeah Bily, The disciples were wrong to use a Honda. They should have used a Kia.
Deuteronomy 6:5 & thou shalt Love the Lord Thy God with all thine heart, & with all thine Soul, & with all thine might.
See Kathrine, God gave us all a sense of humor...after all... He made us in His Image.
Billy and Francine thats funny."In the first month, that the month Nissan, they cast Pur, That is the Lot in front of Haman" Esther3:7
Honda wont last though.
2Pet3:10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the Heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the ELEMENTS shall melt withferent heat, the earth also, and the works that are therein be burned-up. Maybe VW's? Lev11:22[Even] these of them ye may eat, theLoust after his kind, and the bald loust afte his kind,and theBeetle after his kind, and the grasshoper after his kind.
OF COURSE JUSUS RODE A PLYMONTH...Luk19:35 And they brought him to Jesus: and they cast their garments upon the Colt, and they set Jesus thereon.
After the day of Pentecost, how do we know the Apostle prefered Honda over other cars? They were all in one Accord.
I take issue with that.
Joshua2:7 And the men pursued after them the way to Jordon unto the Fords. Ans as soon as they which pursued afte them were gone out,they shut the gate.
Judges3:28 and he said unto them, Follow after me, for the Lord hath delivered your enemies the Moabites into your hand.And they went down after him and they took the Fords of Jordon toward Moab.
You are all sick with humor, AND MY NAME IS SPELLED KATHY
Scholars have long debated the exact ethnicity and nationality of Jesus. Recently, at a theological meeting in Rome, scholars had a heated debate on this subject. One by one, they offered their evidence...
One offered three proofs that Jesus was JEWISH
1. He went into his father's business
2. He lived at home until he was 33
3. He was sure his mother was a virgin, and she was sure he was God
But there were equally good arguments that Jesus was MEXICAN
1. His first name was Jesus
2. He was bilingual
3. He was always being harassed by the authorities
But then there were equally good arguments that... Jesus was AFRO-AMERICAN
1. He called everybody "brother."
2. He liked Gospel
3. He couldn't get a fair trial
But then there were equally good arguments that... Jesus was ITALIAN
1. He talked with his hands
2. He had wine with every meal
3. He used olive oil
But then there were equally good arguments that...Jesus was IRISH
1. He never got married
2. He was always telling stories
3. He loved green pastures
But then there were equally good arguments that... Jesus was CALIFORNIAN
1. He never cut his hair
2. He walked around in sandals
3. He started a new religion
Hey, I like the picture of Matty's dog! Now really...is that humorous of Jesus or not? This is an allright think piece!
And Kathy, it's all funny love we have in our hearts thats just tickles are inners. Peace be with you.
I love my Jesus, He so has such a wonderful way to add laughfter and joy into our lives. He loves to play tricks on us just to see if we are thinking. Boy, does He have His challenges with that!
Some folks have said that Jesus never laughed, because the Bible
doesn't mention laughter as something that Jesus did. Well, By
this logic, we'd have to assume that Jesus never burped, or urinated,
or sneezed.
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