#47. Leave A Message, Please

How many times have you heard voicemail instructions similar to those above? Why do cell phone companies have such a ridiculous series of directions for leaving a message after the beep? Are we that ignorant? confused? forgetful? Hardly!
It's the Mandatory 15-Second Voicemail Instructions. Why is it mandatory, I ask? Apparently, there are multi-millions of extra dollars to be "earned" each year because of those extra 15 seconds of "use". Oh! Now I see why it is mandatory!
To leave a written comment, press one, or just wait for the weather report. To send me a compliment, press two now . . . . . If you don't hear a tone, please record your written note anyway. When you are finished typing, you may hang out for a while just reading other think-pieces, or pound on the monitor to see if anyone is in there to give you more options!
P.S. -- There is absolutely no extra charge for these instructions. I am simply here to assist you. Have a fantastic day!
How creative!
I surely can relate to that! I now do not have to worry about that happening with my phone. I have no contracts to sign, I no longer pay for PEAK TIME that is costly. My phone provider is Boost, unlimited long distance and locale calling and more. For those that have the more expensive phone provider can log onto youmail.com and they should be able to help you. Now... if we could get rid of the Telamarketers!
I came across this message I found humorous, and we all need a little humor! What next!
I don't want to bore you with Metaphysics, but how do you know this is a voice mail? maybe it's a dream, or maybe it's an illusion, or maybe you don't really exist. One way to find out is to leave a message, and if it's reality, I will call you back. Beep!!!!
Think of it Reverend,
The cell phone companies think we are stupid and are willing to put up with their antics at our expense. They know how to bleed us, and we buy into it HOOK_LINE_AND_SINKER! Not me...maybe at one time...not anymore. I pay a monthly fee, no contract, just one flat fee.
So... now Reverend... I feel smart!
Have A Good Day,
I hear ya C.A.H. As we continue to allow these companies to get rich off of us as we will continue to put up with all this dishonesty we will remain the way we are, lost in the shuffel and stupid. After all, look what we the people put in the White House! Wake up AMERICA AND TAKE A STAND!. If we fight back and not allow these cell phone companies to "rake us over" time and time again we can put a stop to a lot of things. We need to take control of them.
It's not only the cell phones, it is also when you use the land phones. At&t is a huge company, full of greed and and a lot of dishonesty. Our world is crumbling before our very eyes. We need to take our country back America! I just hang up the phone when that voice message comes on.
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