#56. Can You Find Yourself?

So, are you your body, then? You can see your body and touch your body – but is your body who you are? You have a body, but you are not … it.
Pretend that you don’t have a body – would you still exist? Try this exercise: Close your eyes so that you can not see your body – now, do you still exist? Go ahead, try it now! I’ll wait. Imagine … no body. Are you still there? Do you still exist? I’m wait …… ing!
If you said yes, you are correct! Now if you are not your body, are you your mind? Is your mind now thinking that you exist as your mind? You do have a mind, but is that who you are? NOT!
Imagine that you have no mind, as well as no body – would you still exist? Close your mind, I mean, “Stop Thinking!” Are you still there, even without … thinking any thoughts? Try this one on for size! I can wait.
If you said ‘Yes!’ then you are right, for you would still be AWARE of your existence. Do you get it, that you exist even without a mind or a body! WOW!
Indeed, you have a mind, but where is your mind? Close your eyes and point to your mind. Go ahead, use your index finger … and point to your mind. Thanx.
Now, if you exist even without a body or a mind, then “What are you?” and “Where are you?” Point to YOU? Yes, do it now. With that same index finger, point to … YOU!
Where did you point? Did you point to the same place as when you pointed to your mind? Did you point to your head? I doubt it!
What did you discover? Are you touchable or untouchable? Are you visible or invisible? Let me know what happened when you tried to find yourself – that is, your true self. Click the comment button and share your experience with me.
I’m waiting …….
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Labels: Self-Identity; Spirituality
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