#60. Obama's Cloudy Transparency

Although President Obama promised transparency in his administration, oodles upon oodles of complaints and outrage regarding his "muddy transparency record" are running ramped:"We will work together to ensure the public trust and establish a system of transparency, public participation, and collaboration ... Government should be transparent. Transparency promotes accountability and provides information for citizens about what their Government is doing."
* Federal Court Fines Obama Administration for Lack of Transparency
* AP blasts Obama's lack of transparency
* Senators slam Obama's lack of transparency in trade negotiations
Can someone please explain to me why this should come as such a surprise! The actions of Barack Obama during his Presidential campaign -- that is, before his election -- revealed his true intent regarding transparency. Everything was locked up tight. Everything! Locked! Tight! Not transparent!!!* 'Fast and Furious' Exposes Obama’s Lack Of Transparency
1. He refused to make his actual birth certificate available
2. He refused to make his Soetoro adoption records available
3. He refused to make his passport(s) available
4. He refused to make his medical records available
5. He refused to make his elementary and high school records available
6. He refused to make his Occidental college records available
7. He refused to make his Columbia college records available
8, He refused to make his Columbia college thesis available
9. He refused to make his Harvard college records available
10. He refused to make his Illinois State Senate records available
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this entry on obama seems to me not in keeping with Unity's positive uplifting approach to viewing the universe. I wonder if the Fillmores would approve. I have seen this rather harsh on other websites, but am sorry to see it here. Otherwise, I have found your blogs to be inspiring, thought provoking, and centering.
Hello Dr. Boston,
Thanks for sharing your feedback -- I am deeply appreciative. You have stimulated me to seriously examine your comments and I wish to respond.
Let me first state that I don't favor one party of our two-party system over the other. Secondly, the news media is no longer a reliable source of information in today's world. Why is that? Online, however, is where all forms of information and perspectives can be found. And yes, it is often 'harsh'. And -- as always -- one has to be discerning.
Consider this teaching of Jesus: “Beware of false prophets who come disguised as harmless sheep … You can identify them by their fruit, that is, by the way they act … Yes, just as you can identify a tree by its fruit, so you can identify people by their actions.” -- Matthew 7:15-16,20 (New Living Translation).
In my think-piece, I quoted Barack Obama’s promise of honesty and openness and transparency. But during the 2008 campaign, he refused to reveal who he was. He was not willing to make his past an open book. Rather, it was a closed book. That makes me wonder if he had something to hide. Why all the secrecy?
So, I am asking America, why are you so surprised? More importantly, are people who previously voted for him willing to acknowledge his lack of transparency in his Presidency?
Maybe Jesus should have been more positive and uplifting in his teaching! Surely, his warnings were intended to help us in our relationships with each other. They speak not only of prophets, but of politicians and salesmen and doctors and lawyers and teachers and mothers and fathers and all other human beings.
Charles Fillmore wrote of not being “misled by trusting in sense perception.” But we also don’t want to be misled by ignoring that which we don’t want to see and hear. A sexually abused child is not believed by her own mother. The complaint of a female worker is shoved under the counter by her male boss. Reports of explosions in the basement of the Trade Center were not investigated by the authorities. None of these are positive, uplifting stories, but they do occur in our world just the same. And we don’t make the world a better place through the denials of what we can’t accept.
Finally, our trust is not in humanity, but God; not in the outer personality, but the inner Spirit. On our church website (unitychapel.net), you can read any of my 69 short, positive, uplifting, spiritual essays about life.
I only occasionally post 'political' think-pieces on this blog site, intending to address a point of concern:
• voting for the best of two liars;
• invasion of Iraq compared to a batter wife killing her sleeping husband;
• the 9-lives of Osama Bin Laden;
• two lesbians in court fighting over an innocent baby;
• from $.25 gas to never-ever-enough-greed; and
• Memorial Day without any dead soldiers.
I reread them all. Are they negative and devastating in tone? Probably. Are they presented fairly? Hopefully. Do I offer alternatives? Often. Do I stir the pot? Usually.
They are listed below, my friend, if you are interested. Thanks again and I look forward to hearing from you. Virgil
POSTS: #5 (5-1-06), #26 (5-25-08,#29 (10-10-08), #40 (1-5-10), #44 (5-31-10), #53 (6-4-11).
I don't find your article about transparency offensive at all. What you said was so true, and I'm a democrat! Will I vote fo Obama for another 4 years... I think not, he is a failure, a liar, uses dirty tacticts because he cannot run on what he did. I pray to GOD that that person does not get another 4 years to destroy our "America". Wake up America, we have another Hitler in our White House.
All I can say is praise God! There are still some Unitics out there willing to use common sense in their decision-making process. I applaud you, Virgil and Sharon, for stepping up to the plate and speaking out on this subject. I couldn't agree with you more and it is high time other Unity folks who feel the same way stand up and speak out.
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