Friday, August 03, 2012

#62. The Horse Who Cured Cancer!

This true story has its beginnings in the state of Illinois in the year 1840. A horse with a tumor on its leg grazed upon wild plants growing in the meadow -- plants which had not been it’s normal diet. The horse had found a cure for it’s own cancerous tumor on its right hock. The horse’s owner, John Hoxsey, gathered these herbs and used them to treat cancer patients. 

John gave his formula for curing cancer to his son who passed the formula on to his son. On his deathbed, John’s grandson passed it on to his son, Harry, with the requirement that he would not turn people away who could not pay for the treatment. John stipulated to Harry, “The Hoxsey formula for curing cancer must be available to all people.”

In the 1920’s, Harry treated many patients and opened a cancer treatment center in Illinois where he healed many people with his great-grandfather’s horse’s ‘mixture of herbs’. Harry opened a total of 17 clinics. His clinic in Dallas, Texas, became one of the largest privately owned cancer centers in the world. His cure rate for cancer has been as high as 80% for thousands of patients.

Enter stage left … the hostile medical doctors, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the police. In one year, Harry would be arrested over 100 times. He was never convicted because his patients would not testify against him.

Though the doctors called Harry a quack, they knew his treatment worked and offered to purchase the Hoxsey cancer formula. However, the deal fell through because Harry insisted that it must be made available also to patients who could not pay. After all, he had made a promise to his father on his deathbed. The doctors would not agree to this requirement. Imagine that!

Today, the only clinic in existence is outside the U.S., located in Tijuana, Mexico. Why is this cancer healing formula – discovered by a horse -- not being used to heal cancer in the U.S. today? Do I have to ’splain it to you?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

No 'splainin here!' It's all of the rotten Government that's behind a lot of the goins on around here in the USofA. We the people hate to admitt or we are to dumd to read in between the lines to how we are being controlled by our so called Gov. I say that one mornin we will wake up and the ol Gov will be standin at the end of our bed tellin us how to how to make love to our spouse. Boy, won't that be a blast!

7:48 PM, August 19, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You had me at horse. Big Money behind the government is who is really to blame. Chemicals in everything we eat, touch and breathe are making us sick, and Big Medicine wants to treat us indefinitely, not cure us.

5:54 AM, February 28, 2013  

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#62. The Horse Who Cured Cancer!