#69. My Message to You

That’s right! In fact, I am influencing your brain to keep on reading this post which I have written ... just for you. And though you are not sure what this ‘think-piece’ is all about, you just keep on reading. That’s because I have a hold on your curiosity. Did you know that your curiosity button is in your frontal lobe. Yes, here it is ... right over here.
So here we are. I have captivated your attention, and you are still hanging on – and I assure you -- for a phenomenal ride.
I know, of course, that you could simply stop reading. You are thinking that you could click the X in the upper right hand corner of your screen. But, even if you did, you would come back online to finish reading my words which I have penned just for you and you alone.
No, this message is not for all those other people out there. Most of them are not as interested as you are. And I’m grateful that you are so fascinated with me, even though it’s because I am running throughout your brain looking for more buttons to push.
But, you know, as interesting as your mind is, I am searching for something more precious than your thoughts. And since you are so intrigued by my presence, I have a special favor to ask of you.
Would you open the door to your heart and let me in? Then you can close this personal message to you and I shall remain in your heart-space for ever and ever.
Would you open the door to your heart and let me in? Then you can close this personal message to you and I shall remain in your heart-space for ever and ever.
Labels: Attention, brain, buttons to push, curiosity, Heart, in your mind, Influence, Mind
Hmm......really! The door to my Heart is wide opened and ready for you. Will you really push my buttons? Hmm, we shall see. I would like to get into your heart and mind, and would you allow me to influence you? This is cleverly put together Virgil.
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