#71. The Very First Language

Today, in East Africa, most people speak
the common language of Swahili, but they also have their various mother tongues
or tribal languages, which is very special and personal to their family. Most
Americans would say their mother tongue is plain ol’ English. What was God’s
mother tongue? I wonder…
Ah, you get the point!
Long, long ago, with what lingo did God speak to Adam and Eve in the Garden? Moreover, how could they have understood God's words. Hmmmm... And did the serpent speak the same tongue? It’s a fair question! Inquiring minds want to know!
When a person prays to God, does He respond in their language? Many will say that He most certainly does – just ask any Christian, or Jew, or Moslem, or Hindu, or Native American.
Ah, you get the point!
So then, do you suppose that God spoke in the 'King James English' when King James prayed to God? Never mind! What I'm really asking is this: When a person prays, does God respond to them in their own language ... or in His?
Consider Elihu's response to Job:
"So why do you challenge God to answer you? God speaks in different ways, and we don’t always recognize his voice." -- Job 33:13-14 (CEV)
Three simple phrases capture my attention:
"God is Spirit." (John 4:24)
"God has given us his Spirit."(1 John 4:13)
"God is love." (1 John 4:16)
So, what was the original language of Spirit? LOVE! What is the language of God today? LOVE! In what language must people pray? LOVE! What is the one language for people to communicate with each other? LOVE!
Ah, you get the point!
Labels: communication, God, language, Love, prayer
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