#30. Miracles of Life

Yesterday, I received an email from a recent acquaintance. As I was just about to open it, my friend Linda came into my office. Suddenly, she said that someone thinks I look like Arnold Schwarzenegger. I thanked her for the informaition. After she left my office, I opened the email which stated: "I know who you look like -- Arnold Schwarzenegger!"
My dictionary defines the word miracle as "an event that appears unexplainable by the laws of nature and so is held to be supernatural in origin or an act of God". I believe there are three ways in which to understand the world of miracles.
My dictionary defines the word miracle as "an event that appears unexplainable by the laws of nature and so is held to be supernatural in origin or an act of God". I believe there are three ways in which to understand the world of miracles.
Talk to me! Do you have a miracle story? or an ESP experience? or a healing story that defies medical explanations? I'm all ears!1. Sometimes, miracles do occur.Life is governed by scientific laws, but from time to time on various occasions, God intervenes in the affairs of life and performs miracles that defy natural laws.
2. There are no such things as miracles at all!Eventually, science will beable to explain each and every so-called miraculous event as
a natural law.
3. Everything in life is a miracle! (I prefer this one!)The birth of a baby shall always be a miracle. Though science can show that gravity is a natural phenominon, it reveals no concept of what it is or why it happens. Life defies explanation -- it's one huge miracle!
Labels: Miracles; ESP; Supernatural