Tuesday, April 18, 2006

#4. Are Angels For Real?

Do you believe in angels?
Just what is an angel anyway?
Can angels talk? in what language? Do they ever laugh?
Does each have a personal angel?

Angels are mentioned numerous times in the Bible -- usually as heavenly or mystical beings, but sometimes appearing in human-like form. The meaning of the word 'angel' is messenger or agent -- someone sent on an errand.

An angel made a spectacular visit to Mary while she was wide awake in her room; whereas, an angel appeared to Joseph, but in a dream. When Jesus was born, a huge angelic choir sang a few Christmas carols to the shepherds in the fields near Bethlehem.

Two angels -- appearing as physical men -- arrived in Sodom at Lot's tent where they spent the night talking and eating together (story is found in Genesis).

In the Old Testament book of Numbers, an angel tried to guide a man named Balaam into making a different choice. He was unaware that the angel was in the road blocking his way. However, the donkey which he was riding indeed saw the angel in the path and told Balaam that he could see an angel! (I don't really know if the donkey was a he or a she, but I am certain that he/she/it spoke fluent Hebrew).

Tell me what you believe about angels! Share your stories about angels!

#4. Are Angels For Real?

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

#3. Share a Mystical Experience

Has there ever been a time when you felt a divine influence or inspiration by God? How did it feel? How did it appear to you? Could it be possible that you have been touched by such an inspiration and didn't even know it?

When I was around 8 or 10 years of age, I had a dog named Pal. I was riding my bike on the road and Pal was running beside me. I accidently swerved and hit Pal, causing him some pain. I was devastated and went into a large farm implement shed to grieve. I was feeling deeply sorry for my mistake, when out of nowhere, I was engulfed with God's Presence. It was not like a person beside me, but a 'presence' that filled the entire shed. The divine presence brought comfort to me and I then returned to my Pal. From that moment, I knew God to be much more than "a man in the sky".

Tell me of your mystical or spiritual experience!

#3. Share a Mystical Experience