#28. Aborted Plans of God

God has revealed to me (through His Holy Spirit) some of His unused heavenly plans -- or maybe it was by way of my demented brain. Anyhow, the following are intended to be thought-provoking, not sacrilegious. What are your thoughts? Do you ever come up with these kind of questions?
Aborted Plans of God:
#1. Knowing from the get-go that Adam and Eve would screw it up, why didn't God get humanity off to a super beginning on day #6 by creating a body out of the dust of the earth, and then selecting His only Son to incarnate it? Instead of Jesus, God chose Adam! Hmmmm . . .
#2. Since a male body lacks the ability to give birth -- even in the midst of the perfect Garden -- why didn't God create a female body out of the dust of the earth which could then be impregnated by the Holy Spirit and give birth to God's only Son, getting humanity off to an excellent start? Hmmmm . . .
#3. In God's perfect Garden Home which was prepared for Adam and Eve to live eternally, why didn't God plant that tree of death outside the Garden. (By the way, why is there an evil, talking snake in the garden, anyway?) Hmmmm . . .
#4. After the "fall of man", why didn't God immediately send Jesus to the Garden of Eden to sacrifice His life on a cross and save Adam, Eve, Cain, Abel, and Seth from their sins -- as well as all the rest of the souls that would be born into the world thereafter? Hmmmm . . .
#5. During the days of Noah, rather than destroy all the evil human beings by flooding the entire earth, why didn't God send Jesus to the earth at that time to sacrifice His perfect life on a cross and save Noah and the rest of the souls living in the world from their sins? Hmmmm . . .
#6. Why was God's holiness and His wrath so monumental that He required His only Son to be sacrificed as a ransom for us, but did not love us enough to simply forgive us -- as His only Son taught us to do? (Ouch!!!)
#7. After resurrecting His glorified body, why didn't Jesus remain on the earth for a year, or two, or thirty-two, or one hundred thirty-two years, or until all of humanity gets the message and believes in the only Son of God as their savior?
Now it's your turn.