#39. Christmas Christian Cuestions

#1. How many wise men were there?
#2. The wise men brought gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh for Jesus. Were these Christmas gifts or presents for Jesus' birthday?
#3. What would a youngster do with such gifts -- myrrh was a dried sap from a tree used as an embalming ointment at burial?
#4. If they were so wise, why did they follow a star in the sky? Why didn't they simply ask for directions? Oh, yeah! They were men -- got it!
#5. The wise men were from the east, so the star would appear in the west. But the wise men said,
"We have seen his star in the east." -- Help!
#6. "The star went before them till it came to rest over the place where the child was". Really! Could this be a UFO rather than a star? Any thoughts on this?
#7. "(King Herod) found out from (the wise men) the exact time they first saw the star." They probaby came directily across the desert from Babylon to Jerusalem, a distance of at least 540 miles, taking 25 to 30 days by caravan. How long do you think it took them to find Jesus? Herod calculated the time travel to be as much as 2 years!
Could it be they took the scenic route! ???
#8. "And going into the house, (the wise men) saw the child with Mary, his mother." Obviously, Jesus was no longer a baby, but living in the home of Joseph and Mary, which was in a village called Nazareth, in Galilee. But the wise men were led by the star to Jerusalem, in Judea, a distance of 65 miles from the house where Jesus lived. Either the star was confused ... or the wise men weren't so wise. What say ye?
#9. The wise men "departed to their own country by another way." But how did they know the way back home -- not another star, I hope!
#10. Have a Merry Christmas! That's not a question, nor a suggestion, but a requirement. Blessings!
P.S. -- You know what would have happened if there had been
three wise WOMEN instead of three wise MEN ? Well, don’t you? The three wise WOMEN would have:
1. asked for directions,
2. arrived on time,
3. helped deliver the Baby,
4. cleaned the stable,
5. made a casserole, and
6. given practical gifts.
Labels: Christmas; Magi; Birth of Jesus