#59. God Spoke To Me . . .

Mosek told his brother Eron that god spoke to him on the hill. Eron said, “Really? god talked to you on the hill??? Uh, what did he say, brother of mine?”
Mosek said that god was giving our family a farm flowing with cream and sugar. Eron asked, “Really? Where is this farm?”
Mosek said that the farm is owned by our neighbors, Helen and Samuel and their 15 kids, and that we will inherit it. Eron asked, “Really? When are Helen and Samuel and their 15 kids leaving the farm so we can possess it?”
Mosek said that Helen and Samuel and their 15 kids are not leaving the farm, but god said we have to first go kill them and then we can have the farm that god is giving us as our inheritance.
Eron asked, “Really? “Really? Listen here, Mosek! How do you know if it was really god that talked with you on the hill? What did god look like?” Mosek said that it really was god, but he doesn’t know what he looks like because when god appeared to him on the hill, he was masquerading.
Eron asked, “Really? Then how do you know it was really god? Mosek said it really was god because he was masquerading as a Bush!
“Oh!” said Eron, “now I believe that god was really talking to you on the hill! Let’s go kill Helen and Samuel and their 15 kids and we’ll inherit the farm that our god is giving us.”
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