#89. How It All Got Started

Two young brothers were in the loft of the old barn playing hide-and-seek in the hay. After a while, they stopped to give their bodies a rest from utter exhaustion. Lying in the straw, a conversation between the two was initiated. "Where did you come from ... anyway?" the younger brother asked.
Staring off into the rafters, Cain responded: "Gee, I had pondered that very question ... long before you had arrived here on our farm. So, I asked Mom and she told me that I came out of her belly ... as a baby."
"Really!" screamed his brother. "That's wild!"
"Really!" Then I asked Mom how she had gotten here on this farm; I asked her point-blank if she had also been a little baby and if she came out of a belly, too."
"What did she say?" Abel persisted, "Tell me, Cain! Whose belly did she come out of?"
"Mom confided in me that she once upon a time wondered about that very question. She simply had had no knowledge of how she had gotten here, but that her first memories were of being a fully grown woman -- not a little baby. Thereupon, Mom went to our Dad and inquired, "Adam, I don't know who else to go to, so I'll just ask you: How did I get here?"
"Wow! What did he tell her? I can hardly wait for the answer!"
Cain continued his story: "Well, Dad told Mom that she had come out of his side as a fully grown woman."
"No kidding," Abel burst out laughing. "So, you came out of Mom's belly as a baby and Mom came out of Dad's side as a woman. That sounds like a fairy tale, for sure!"
"That's not all, Abel. I then asked Mom about Dad. 'Mom, how did Dad get here on this farm? Did he come out of someone's belly as a baby or out of somebody's side as a man? And if so, who?' Well Abel, you will never guess what she said!"
The younger brother blurted out, "Hurry up, Cain, stop dragging the story out! What did Dad tell her? What did he say?"
"Dad told Mom that he doesn't recall ever being a baby, but that his first memories were of being a fully grown man. Then he explained to her that there was not a soul in sight -- except for God, who was ... out of sight."
"God! Who was God? Abel interrupted. "Was god a man or a woman or what?" Abel was breathless by now.
Cain resumed his story: "Well, here's what Mom told me. Dad had insisted he had never seen God in a human form, for He was invisible. But Dad was curious like all of us, so he asked God, 'How did I get here on this farm?' Here is how the story unfolds, according to Mom."
Then, after several moments of silent pondering, Abel yelled out to his brother, "Come on, Cain, it's your turn. You hide ... and I'll find you!"
Staring off into the rafters, Cain responded: "Gee, I had pondered that very question ... long before you had arrived here on our farm. So, I asked Mom and she told me that I came out of her belly ... as a baby."
"Really!" screamed his brother. "That's wild!"
"Really!" Then I asked Mom how she had gotten here on this farm; I asked her point-blank if she had also been a little baby and if she came out of a belly, too."
"What did she say?" Abel persisted, "Tell me, Cain! Whose belly did she come out of?"
"Mom confided in me that she once upon a time wondered about that very question. She simply had had no knowledge of how she had gotten here, but that her first memories were of being a fully grown woman -- not a little baby. Thereupon, Mom went to our Dad and inquired, "Adam, I don't know who else to go to, so I'll just ask you: How did I get here?"
"Wow! What did he tell her? I can hardly wait for the answer!"
Cain continued his story: "Well, Dad told Mom that she had come out of his side as a fully grown woman."
"No kidding," Abel burst out laughing. "So, you came out of Mom's belly as a baby and Mom came out of Dad's side as a woman. That sounds like a fairy tale, for sure!"
"That's not all, Abel. I then asked Mom about Dad. 'Mom, how did Dad get here on this farm? Did he come out of someone's belly as a baby or out of somebody's side as a man? And if so, who?' Well Abel, you will never guess what she said!"
The younger brother blurted out, "Hurry up, Cain, stop dragging the story out! What did Dad tell her? What did he say?"
"Dad told Mom that he doesn't recall ever being a baby, but that his first memories were of being a fully grown man. Then he explained to her that there was not a soul in sight -- except for God, who was ... out of sight."
"God! Who was God? Abel interrupted. "Was god a man or a woman or what?" Abel was breathless by now.
Cain resumed his story: "Well, here's what Mom told me. Dad had insisted he had never seen God in a human form, for He was invisible. But Dad was curious like all of us, so he asked God, 'How did I get here on this farm?' Here is how the story unfolds, according to Mom."
God said, 'Well, Adam, I made you a fully grown man out of the mud.'
What do you mean -- out of mud?' asked Adam.
'Well, chemically speaking, you are 90% water and 10% dust. When I mixed it all up: Voila! You became a physical, human being. Quite brilliant, don't you think?'
Adam stammered the words, 'I see ... I think. So I came from You then.'
God confirmed, 'You could say that. After all, there was no one else around, but Me.'
Adam had another question: 'So, tell me, God, how did You get here on this farm? Where did You come from?'
God stared off into the distant heavens ... introspectively ... then responded to Adam: 'Well, I had often pondered that very question Myself. You see, all I can remember is that from the very beginning, I was a fully matured Breath-of-Life, the infinite Pneuma everywhere-present throughout the invisible Cosmos. I remember hearing the silence of a gigantic gust of wind howling through the heavenly oaks and pines and evergreens, when suddenly ... in an infinite moment-in-time ... the invisible, intangible whirlwind burst into a thundering explosion and ...
Eureka! Here AM I!'Cain's brother was spellbound. Finally, with a calm voice, Abel spoke, "Cain, you should put this in a book."
Then, after several moments of silent pondering, Abel yelled out to his brother, "Come on, Cain, it's your turn. You hide ... and I'll find you!"
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Labels: Bible Myths, birth, God; Adam; Eve; Abel; Cain; Genesis 2 and 4, procreation