Tuesday, June 21, 2016

#95. A Gorilla and a Kid

Of all the gazillions of happenings on any given day in our galaxy, the national and worldwide news agencies present to its readers and listeners only the most significant of these happenings. Most events go unnoticed, of course. If an incident worthy of broadcasting is in the news a second or third day, it becomes a newsworthy event that will go down in history . . . that is, until it is no longer vital to . . . human interest. Some events are in the news day after day for a rather lengthy period of time, even weeks and months. After all, inquiring minds want to know.

Such a recent happening that captured our attention for weeks on end – it seems – was about a gorilla and a kid. A young child found its way into a gorilla camp at the Cincy zoo. Fear captured the onlookers – family, friends, and sightseers -- for the gorilla was quite huge and the youngster was so very small. The drama ended with the killing of the gorilla to protect the life of the child.
However, the finale was only the beginning of the news story. Everybody had somebody to blame . . . and the reporters gave us the nitty-gritty low down. Some factions accused the zookeepers of needlessly killing an innocent 17 year-old gorilla. They believed that the child was not in harm’s way at all because the gorilla was actually protecting the little guy. I can believe that!

Another faction claimed racism, assuming the black kid was white. They were the wannabe civil rights crusaders of the 60’s when full-fledged racism was thriving – most likely, these wannabes were not even born till decades later.

Indeed, there were those who blamed the zoo for not building a fence – no doubt, to protect the zoo animals from the zoo attendees -- and making the animals pay for it.

Still another group of complainers blamed the mother of the kid for not keeping an eye upon her son 24/7. No doubt, she had a lot on her plate and forgot the lasso at home.

However, somehow, someway, somewhere . . . the reporters of the catastrophic event could not get it straight as to whether the father of the child … was present … at the zoo ... or not!  But his past criminal history was there, for sure! Hmmm

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#95. A Gorilla and a Kid