#7. The Chicken or the Egg?

"What's the sound of one hand clapping?"This is called a koan in Zen Buddhism. It is a pithy, but illogical statement intended to free the mind from its rational mode of thought in meditation.
An American koan might be: Which came first -- the chicken or the egg? Without an egg, there can be no chick. Without a hen, there can be no egg. Apparently, there is no logical answer to this koan, so the mind becomes discombobulated, surrenders, and becomes receptive to the inspiration which comes from the indwelling Spirit.
Story #1:
Eve said to God in the Garden of Eden, "I'm lonely--I'm tired of eating apples by myself." God said, "OK, I'll create a man for you."
"A man! What's that?" Eve said."He's a creature with aggressive tendencies and an enormous ego. He won't listen very well. He'll get lost easily, but never stop to ask for directions. However, he is big and strong, he can open jars and hunt animals. And he's lots of fun."
"Sounds great!" said Eve."Oh! -- one more thing," God said. "He will insist that I made HIM first!"
Story #2:
God formed man out of dirt from the ground and blew into his nostrils the breath of life. The man came alive -- a living soul! ... God said, "It's not good for man to be alone; I'll make him a helper, a companion." ... God put the man into a deep sleep. As he slept he removed one of his ribs and replaced it with flesh. God then used the rib that he had taken from the man to make woman and presented her to the man. (Genesis 2)
Question: Is your mind now ready to let go and trust God? Or are you determined to hang in there and figure it all out -- even if it drives you crazy?