#15. Romance ... Friendship ... Love

In what way does your heart become most deeply touched? A red rose or a Hallmark card simply may not do it for some. Does your dearest friend know how to tap into the depths of your heart? Or is such an awareness suppose to be known without being told? Men and women express their love and appreciation in differing ways. Is that ok with you, or must the gift of kindness be of your own choosing?
Are you a better giver than a receiver? Do you wait for another to give or are you the first to share? Is love expressed to you only on Valentine's Day or a birthday or anniversary? or throughout the entire year? Do you give the gift of love and kindness to others often, seldom, never? Do you receive from others often, seldom, never?
Are you uncomfortable or annoyed by the thought of this very subject? Do you complain because you have no beloved, no dearest friend? If so, why not share your heart with another simply because that's who you are? Can you awaken your own heart of love by loving anyway? Just what are your thoughts and feelings about Love? Romance? Friendship?