#19. Prophesy For Me!

"Imagine there's no Heaven ...
And no religion too"
I have often pondered: What would I believe about God and about Life if there were no organized religions at all.
Many people believe whatever their religion tells them to believe. Also, many people believe whatever is written in their sacred, God-inspired scriptures -- be it the Bible, the Qur'an, the Bhagavad Gita, the Upanishads, or whatever.
Over the years, I have presented a hypothetical question to a number of Christians: Imagine you can only hold on to one or the other of these two relationships:
1) your relationship with God, orWhich would you choose?
2) your relationship with the Bible
For those who had perceived the Bible to be the divinely inspired, inerrant, perfect Word of God, it was a perplexing question with no possible answer. They could not choose between the two because it was as if the Bible was God to them.
Imagine no Christianity, no Judaism, no Islam, no Unity, what would you believe? Heaven? Hell? Sin? Angels? What??? Imagine no Bible, no Koran -- what kind of God would you conceive of? Prophesy for me!