#16. The Value of a Belly Button (with photos)

Did you know that you can have cosmetic surgery performed on your "belly button" for a little under $2000. The good news is that it is free with a "belly tuck". It can be shaped by the surgeon to suit your fancy.
The belly button is also called the navel (or the "umbilicus" in medical books). It is the scar tissue that forms after the imbilical cord is severed after birth. Belly buttons come in a variety of shapes and sizes -- some are inverted and others protrude outwardly. Some are attractive -- some not (I'm really guessing here -- you be the judge!).

Do you like your belly button? When was the last time you looked at it? Adam and Eve were in the garden nude searching for their belly buttons, but could not find them. That's because they had not been "born" the usual way, you know.
It's also possible to have your belly button removed surgically. For example, if you have a belly tuck, but choose not to have a belly button created by the surgeon, you would look into the mirror and see a smooth, flat belly without a belly button. Of course, you would then have nowhere to fasten your belly button ring.
Do you know of a belly-buttonless earthling? Do you suppose that ET's (ie: aliens from other planets) have belly buttons? Are you pondering why I have written this "think-piece"? Do you fully understand why you are reading this essay? Just where do you suppose your comments will take us with this one? I can hardly wait...