#29. Where's Our Economy Heading?

In today's evolving (or devolving) capitalistic society, service has been replaced by "greed". My dictionary defines greed as "a rapacious desire for more than one needs or deserves, as of food, wealth, or power". Regardless of the financial success of huge corporations, it's not enough. No one seems to have enough ... of anything. Never enough money; never enough power; never enough toys; never enough time; never enough happiness.
When we are of service to others, the energy is flowing outward from our heart center to the world around us. And the more we give, the more our cup runs over. However, the consciousness of greed pulls the energy forcefully from "out there" . . . inwardly. Yet, leaving us feeling more and more empty inside.
What a paradox! So what are your thoughts about life in the 00's ?