#47. Leave A Message, Please

How many times have you heard voicemail instructions similar to those above? Why do cell phone companies have such a ridiculous series of directions for leaving a message after the beep? Are we that ignorant? confused? forgetful? Hardly!
It's the Mandatory 15-Second Voicemail Instructions. Why is it mandatory, I ask? Apparently, there are multi-millions of extra dollars to be "earned" each year because of those extra 15 seconds of "use". Oh! Now I see why it is mandatory!
To leave a written comment, press one, or just wait for the weather report. To send me a compliment, press two now . . . . . If you don't hear a tone, please record your written note anyway. When you are finished typing, you may hang out for a while just reading other think-pieces, or pound on the monitor to see if anyone is in there to give you more options!
P.S. -- There is absolutely no extra charge for these instructions. I am simply here to assist you. Have a fantastic day!