#88. An Interview With GOD

Reporter: Hello GOD, thank You for
your willingness to take time out of your busy schedule for this interview.
GOD: Oh, thank you, my son! I’m so
pleased that you want to know everything about Me!
Reporter: Well, I don’t have time
to get to know ‘everything’ about You, but I would like to ask just a few
questions, if You don’t mind.
GOD: That sounds good to Me. What
is your name?
Reporter: My name? You mean … You
don’t know my name! I always thought You were omniscient, having infinite
GOD: My son, I don’t have anything! I
am Omniscience – Infinite Intelligence.
Reporter: So, You don’t know
GOD: Of course not! Do you know
everything? Is that something that’s beneficial for you? Would it be helpful
for Me?
Reporter: Good question! Einstein
was a genius, but not even Einstein knew everything about everything … though I
think he tried.
GOD: Give that to Me … again. What
is an Einstein?
Reporter: Oh, my God! Never mind. Let’s
try another approach. Is it true that all the Scriptures were inspired
by You?
GOD: I really get a kick out of
inspiring people. Why would I try to inspire a book?
Reporter: I see. I want to know: Is
there really a heaven and a hell?
GOD: I’ll have to get back with you
on that. Yes! And No!
Reporter: I see … Well, the good
book says that You created the universe in just six days and rested on the
GOD: My son, I am always creating
the universe and I am always resting in the universe.
Reporter: WOW! Tell me this,
GOD: What is eternity like?
GOD: Well, I’ve never heard of this
thing you call ‘eternity’. Tell Me everything about it.
Reporter: Gee! Here I am explaining
‘everything’ about ‘eternity’ to ‘GOD’.
Here goes: It means that You have always existed: yesterday, today,
tomorrow, always and forever.
GOD: Thanks, my son, for sharing
everything with Me about this thing called ‘eternity’. But, to tell you the
truth, I just can’t relate to it. What I can
tell you … is that I am always here now.
Reporter: Wonderful! In Sunday
School, they taught that You are everywhere-present. Are You in all places
throughout the world … all at the same time?
GOD: I am here in all times.
Reporter: But are You … everywhere?
GOD: What in the world is an 'everywhere'?
Reporter: That’s Ok, GOD – one
final question. Are You truly without
bounds, without limits?
GOD: Thank you, my son, for this
enlightening interview. But I truly don’t know what a ‘without’ is about. I am always within everything,
but never without anything. You can find Me in the flowers and the trees, the
birds and bees; in the moon and the sun and the starlit skies. My son, I am even within you! Day and
night – never without you, ever within you – from your birth and youth, and
throughout all of your years. Yes, I am even within your doubts, your fears,
your joys, your tears. Ever am I with you. Always in your here and now … I
abide … within you.
Reporter: Are You certain … that
You are GOD?
GOD: I am certain that you are GOD!
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